Message of Solidarity from RMT with Israeli Railworkers Striking against Privatisation

We have seen press reports about your struggle with your employer, Israel Railways and of the serious attacks on your members' collective agreements, safety and conditions of employment. We have also been informed that you and two other colleagues have been fined 10,000 NIS by the Labour Court for leading 'illegal' strike action against plans to privatise and 'out-source' your work to sub-contractors, in order to break up your collective contract.

Fantastic Support From Staff And Public As RMT Kicks Off 48 Hour St Pancras Eurostar Cleaners Strike

Strike action by Initial cleaners at St Pancras International kicked off at 6am this morning with pickets out in force and rail union RMT reporting fantastic support from the public in the fight against poverty pay. Around seventy pickets and supporters have brought horns, drums and a carnival atmosphere to the London Eurostar terminal.

The workers have not had a pay increase for maintaining the opulent Eurostar terminal in four years and have been offered a pathetic 13 p taking them to £ 6.76 an hour, miles short of Boris Johnsons London living wage of £8.30 an hour.

RMT Demands Network Rail Investigation Into Strike-breaking Operation At St Pancras Eurostar Cleaning Company

RAIL UNION RMT today demanded an urgent Network Rail investigation into claims passed to the union by staff that the company at the heart of the St Pancras/Eurostar cleaners poverty pay dispute, Initial, is allegedly planning to utilise an “in house” agency to break the strike which is using Bulgarian and Romanian workers registered as self-employed with limited company status to avoid basic UK employment rights and to get round the agency worker regulations.

London Lesbian And Gay Switchboard Birthday Party

London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard would like to invite TfL's LGBT group members to an event we are holding to celebrate our 38th birthday, and to announce how we are expanding our services this year.

Please come and enjoy drinks, nibbles and a chance to meet some of our volunteers, celebrity patrons, and supporters at our building near Angel from 6.30pm to 9pm on March 6th, with short speeches from our patrons at 7pm.