Breakdown in Industrial Relations - Tube Lines DSM

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the detailed resolution from our LU Fleet branch concerning the situation in Tube Lines DSM (Distribution Services). We note that our branch has itemised specific incidents and events which it believes have led to an intolerable situation in the workplace, and requests a ballot for strike action and action short of strike.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. contact the employer immediately advising that we are in dispute and requesting an urgent meeting
  2. prepare a matrix for the industrial action ballot requested

RMT and Emcor Rail

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that following objections from our representatives, Emcor Rail withdrew its plan to introduce fingerprinting, and ceased using vehicle trackers to inappropriately monitor staff. We welcome this outcome, and congratulate our representatives and branch. We instruct the General Secretary to make this information available to all lead officers, as we are aware that other employers attempt to introduce these unacceptable practices.

Tube Lines Jubilee Bank Holiday

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from Tube Lines, that it will grant staff an additional bank holiday in 2012 due to the Diamond Jubilee. We note that this is the same practice as adopted for the additional bank holiday in 2011.

London Transport Regional Council, LU Fleet and LU Engineering branches to be advised.

RMT Reps Discuss Central Line Asbestos Fears

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that the meeting referred to in our decision of 6 October 2011 has yet to take place, due to the representatives not having been available. We instruct the General Secretary to write to Stratford no.1 branch advising that unless the representatives make themselves available soon, we will be unable to progress this matter; and to invite LU Engineering branch to send an appropriate representative to this meeting. A report of the meeting is to be placed in front of us once it has taken place.

RMT to Challenge Unfair Sick Pay Policy

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that Sodexo stopped the occupational sick pay of our representative Petrit Mihaj, claiming that a clause in the contract of employment allows the company to withhold sick pay if an employee is under notice of or part of the disciplinary process.

We believe that this clause is deeply unfair, as it causes a detriment to an employee without him or her being found to have done anything wrong, or even to have been charged with doing anything wrong.

Fit For London?

RMT General Grades Conference:

We note the reports submitted by our representatives and members who attended the Fit For London events and took the opportunity to ask pertinent questions and raise important issues. Together, their reports provide a useful insight into London Underground’s plans. Management made some statements that should sound the alarm for future attacks on jobs and conditions, and some statements from management that we welcome and intend to hold them to.

We further note that RMT News is to include an article reporting on the Fit For London events.

RMT Tackles Breakdown of Industrial Relations at Tube Lines DSM

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the detailed resolution from our LU Fleet branch concerning the situation in Tube Lines DSM (Distribution Services). We note that our branch has itemised specific incidents and events which it believes have led to an intolerable situation in the workplace, and requests a ballot for strike action and action short of strike.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. contact the employer immediately advising that we are in dispute and requesting an urgent meeting
  2. prepare a matrix for the industrial action ballot requested

RMT to Propose Confirmation of Bargaining Agreement with CBS Outdoor

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. We instruct the General Secretary to arrange for the production of a draft bargaining agreement between RMT and CBS Outdoor which is based on current practice and is acceptable to our Regional Organiser. This draft to be placed in front of us before submission to the company.

RMT to Discuss London Underground Industrial Relations

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the comments received from one of our branches and one of our representatives on Professor Goodman’s report. We note that our London Transport Regional Council is to debate a resolution on this issue at its meeting today, and instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of us once the outcome of this debate is known.

London Transport Regional Council to be advised.