Olympic payments for cleaners meeting

There will be a meeting for all cleaners and supporters Tursday 8th of March from 18:30 hours in the 12 Pins Pub, Finsbury Park.

This meeting will discuss the abject failure of the cleaning companies to properly reward and accept the higher workloads for cleaners on LU during the Olympic period. All members welcome.

RMT Demands Employers Adopt Domestic Violence Policy

We note the domestic violence policy on file from ‘One’. While it is positive that this company has a policy on this issue, and it has some good content, a model policy would include several improvements. In particular, a model policy would include specific commitments that:

  • there will be no action under MFA/Attendance policies against staff absent due to domestic violence
  • special leave for escaping domestic violence should be paid
  • paid special leave should also be given for appointments etc, and that this is preferable to rearrangement of shifts

Train Driver Saves Child's Life

Last weekend on the Jubilee Line a drivers quick actions saved the life of a young child. Just as the driver was about to leave the platform at Finchley Road, he spotted a small hand coming up from the track on his CCTV and realised that someone had fallen from the platform.

Had it been a driverless train, then it would have departed as all the sytems indications were that it was safe to do so, and this story of heroism would be one of tragedy.

RMTV: Young Members Conference 2012

The RMT Young Members Conference took place last month. RMTv have produced a video of the event showing why it so important for young people within the union to get involved and how the conference both educates members on how to steer debate, and the way the conference can set the agenda and union policy.

RMT Protests Against Kamal Abbas Sentence

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow sent this letter to the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Dear Sir/Madam


The RMT is a UK transport union representing 80,000 members in the UK.

We are also Great Britain’s largest rail union and are represented on the Executive Committee of the International Transport Workers Federation.

The RMT is appalled to learn that Kamal Abbas, CTUWS general coordinator has been sentenced in absentia to six months imprisonment.

Know Your Rights: LU Work-Life Balance Policies

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the work-life balance policy of London Underground Ltd. While it is far from perfect, we are concerned to ensure that our members are aware of the rights that they do have, and that management are upholding these rights.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to

  1. produce a summary of members’ rights under this policy, in concise, easy-to-understand wording
  2. ask our branches and representatives for their views on how this policy operates in practice
  3. place these in front of us once received.

Update: London Underground Uniform Consultative Committee

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that LUL has now imposed its withdrawal of cleaning vouchers and considers the issue to be closed. We instruct the General Secretary to ask our branches and representatives what impact this policy is having on our members, and to place responses in front of us.

RMT to Address Apprentice Representation

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that there has been an unsatisfactory situation for apprentices in London Underground Ltd’s Machinery of Negotiation since LUL arbitrarily allocated them to the MATS (managers, admin, technical, support) function rather than to service control.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that any outstanding issues with this are addressed during the forthcoming review of the Machinery of Negotiation.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.

RMT Demands Justice for Service Control Staff

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and the strong feeling of our service control members about how London Underground is treating them. We therefore agree to declare a dispute with the company, and instruct the General Secretary to prepare a matrix for a ballot for industrial action.

The main issues are as follows:

  • Wholesale job losses arising from the move to Hammersmith Service Control Centre
  • Non-payment of the Service Operator 3 rate of pay
  • Treatment of ex-apprentice secondee Service Operators