RMT Warns Of “Return Of Railtrack” As Government Prepares To Unleash Railways Plan

ON THE EVE of the expected publication of a Government Command Paper on their future plans for rail, RMT has warned that Ministers are preparing to wind back the clock to the days of the Hatfield and Potters Bar disasters and bring in private ownership of rail infrastructure for the first time since the collapse of Railtrack.

Justice Meeting

The RMT has organised a meeting to discuss 'racism, the state and the police.'

Please print and distribute the flyer amongst your colleagues and friends.

This special meeting aims to secure your solidarity. The meeting will cover the case of Sean Rigg and Christopher Alder. Sean, a young and talented musician died shortly after being detained by Brixton polive in 2008. Why he died remains unanswered.

Christopher Alder died in police custody in 1998. An inquest in 2001 recorded his death as unlawful killing. A year later, a court cleared the five police officers of manslaughter and misconduct.

Publish Secret Blacklisting “RMT File”

RMT demands publication of the secret “RMT File” from blacklisting organisation as officials confirm police and security service involvement

RAIL UNION RMT today demanded full disclosure of the secret "RMT FILE" held by blacklisting organisation the Consulting Association as evidence mounts of police and security services involvement in the targeting of union activists in the construction and railway industries.

RMT Membership Form – Disclosure Option Of Sexual Orientation

The RMT have written to other unions to find out whether they ask for disclosure of members sexuality on membership forms. This follows a motion which passed through the LGBT conference in 2011 asking that a voluntary question be added.

Of 54 unions asked, 27 responded. 11% ask the question on the membership form with a further 11% asking members in other ways such as through an equalities questionnaire.

Concrete piece thrown at Metropolitan Line Tube train

Taken from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-17256579

A piece of concrete was thrown at a Metropolitan Line train from a bridge in north-west London, police said.

The fist-sized piece was thrown at the Tube train on 29 February from Highfield Road Bridge as the driver was pulling into Northwood station.

The concrete piece dented the front of the train, but no-one was injured, the British Transport Police (BTP) said.

BTP officers are also investigating the theft of railway cable on Jubilee Line from Queensbury early on Monday.

RMT Guidance On LUL Drugs & Alcohol Policy

Following abuses by management of the drug and alcohol procedure, your RMT reps on the Trains Funcional Council have produced the attached guidance document for your attention.


Following recent abuses of the D & A procedure on the Piccadilly Line were drivers
have been routinely tested following a SPAD and in one instance where a driver was
tested for taking a train out of service, agreement has been reached at the Trains
Functional Council on February 10 th 2012. The Trains Functional Council agreed that

TUC Disability Conference 2012

RMT Council of Executives decision:

We appoint Sisters Maria Taylor (TfL no.1 branch) and Esme Bradbury (Stratford no.1 branch) as delegates to TUC Disability Conference 2012, and additionally appoint Brother Marr and Sister Booth to represent the Council of Executives.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that these delegates receive all relevant information and support to attend this conference.

RMT Demands Support for Domestic Violence Victims

RMT Council of Executives decision:

We note the domestic violence policy on file from ‘One’. While it is positive that this company has a policy on this issue, and it has some good content, a model policy would include several improvements. In particular, a model policy would include specific commitments that:

  • there will be no action under MFA/Attendance policies against staff absent due to domestic violence
  • special leave for escaping domestic violence should be paid

Update: RMT/TSSA Merger Talks

RMT Council of Executives decision:

That we note the correspondence from the TSSA dated 20th February 2012 on this matter where they state that they “see no further value in continuing merger talks at this time”.

We also note in the correspondence a proposal by the TSSA of a “creation of a federation that should also be opened to other similar sized transport unions”.