RMT to Prepare Possible Legal Challenge to LU 'Rainbow' Attendance Policy

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the legal advice received on this matter.

While we are disappointed that our advisers believe that there is no legal avenue to compel London Underground to allow trade union representatives to accompany members at Rainbow Attendance Review meetings, we welcome the advice that it may be possible to pursue legal claims arising from London Underground Ltd’s apparent unilateral change to its attendance policy.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT Objects to LU's Continuing Use of Agencies to Staff Stations

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from our Bakerloo branch, and the report now received from our lead officer on talks with London Underground about the use of agency and security staff, at which our representatives pressed the company to replace the use of agency staff and security guards with permanent, directly-employed jobs on LU’s ex-Silverlink stations.

RMT Objects to LU Plan to Dilute Minimum Station Staffing Levels

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground intends to count partially-trained Incident Customer Service Assistants towards minimum staffing numbers on stations, despite the fact that these ICSAs are not fully trained and qualified in the Customer Service Assistant (CSA) role, and are in fact not station staff at all, but staff in other (mainly administration) grades given a brief training course to carry out additional duties on stations.

RMT Considers Tube Lines Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the proposal from Tube Lines to extend the current 3-year pay deal for a further 2 years, increasing wages by RPI+0.5% (minimum 2%) from 1 April 2013 and again from 1 April 2014.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the views of our lead officer, representatives, branches and members about this proposal, and to place this report in front of us by 31 January.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Demands Proper Consultation on Service Control Move to Hammersmith

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser outlining our representatives’ concerns about lack on consultation about the planned transfer of SSR and Piccadilly Line service control to a new control centre at Hammersmith. We note that our Regional Organiser has called a meeting open to all service control members on 31 January.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • obtain a report of the Joint Working Party meeting due to take place on 19 January;

Save Our Railways - No to McNulty - Nationwide Campaigning Day of Action

As part of the ongoing campaign against the McNulty Report the union is organising a further campaigning day of action on Thursday 2nd February.

The intention is that we again distribute campaign postcards during the morning rush hour to passengers at stations throughout the country.

The last day of action proved very successful. We managed to reach fifty stations around the country with a very supportive response and passengers have returned a massive number of cards to their MPs.