Pay, Pensions & Olympic Bonus For Telent MJ Quinn Members At London Underground Discussed With Bosses

No member had received an inflationary based increase despite the fact that the company is in profit

Senior Assistant General Secretary, Mick Cash, and other representatives from this union met with Telent on 12th June 2012 to address your union’s ongoing concerns.

Railway Pension Scheme
Your union would like to reduce the amount that members must pay towards their pensions and have asked the company to assist in this endeavour by putting in a lump sum.

Blog: Thousands of Bus Workers Take Solid Strike Action

Picket at Westham by 'Busworker' Blog

Thousands of London bus workers are taking industrial action today in a dispute over a fair bonus for the extra workload during the Olympics.

Around 85% of the bus workforce from 17 companies are involved in the action today, with TfL listing scores of bus routes as affected, were they say cycling or walking would be the better option. Presumably they don't suggest using the tube as there is a risk of services being dangerously overcrowded.

Olympics payments for all drivers and trainee drivers

At an Olympics Implementation meeting today, RMT Trains Functional reps got an assurance from London Underground management that all drivers who are in the grade on the 26th of July 2012 will be paid the £500 bonus and £20 a day attendance allowance regardless of duties worked.

Any driver still in training and not passed out by the 26th of July will still get the £500 payment. The payment, however will not appear in the August 8th pay packet, but will be in September’s pay.

RMT To Ballot For Action Short Of Strike At LU As Union Believes Use Of Under-Trained Volunteers During Olympics Risks Safety


We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and reiterate our opposition to the counting of ICSAs towards minimum staffing numbers for stations, as this:

  • puts passengers and staff at risk by putting the safe running of stations in the hands of minimally-trained volunteers
  • is dangerous at all times, but especially during periods of heavy congestion eg the Olympics
  • breaches the settlement of our Casualisation dispute in 2008

RMT To Ballot LUL Members For Action Short Of Strike Over Olympic Dispute Regarding Agreements Being Broken

"our members who wish to adhere to agreements made by this union may require the additional protection of ‘action short of strikes’ to defend their right to do so"

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and the problems experienced recently with London Underground’s apparent failure to adhere to our Olympics agreement. We hope that these problems will be resolved.

However, should they not be resolved, our members who wish to adhere to agreements made by this union may require the additional protection of ‘action short of strikes’ to defend their right to do so despite agreements made by other unions.

Executive Meeting Discuss Equalities Advisory Committee Resolutions

Several resolutions from equality advisory committees have been discussed by the RMT's Council of Executives at its Statutory Meetings, June 2012. These include:

  • Relationship With The United Nations
  • Rmt Representation At Btuc Lgbt Conference - Gender Quotas
  • Venues Of Rmt Lgbt National Advisory Committee Meetings
  • National Black And Ethnic Minority Members Adivsory Committee Deputy
  • Role Of Local Black And Ethnic Minority Secretary
  • Liaison Officer Post
  • Police Brutality And Deaths At The Hands Of The Police
  • Police Corruption
  • Black And Ethnic Minority Executives

    continue reading to see the decisions made

Contract Of Employment –

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I have received reports that agency workers employed by engaged on Grand Central Railways and London Underground’s Bakerloo Line contracts have not been paid for the second month running and have been excluded from the Agency Worker Regulations by, who are using the Swedish derogation contract model to employ our members.

Service Control Strike Newsletter

The attached document has been updated, please display this version, not the earlier one as it has been improved.

London Underground

  • Refuse to give YOU any financial protection when they close your control room or signal cabin!
  • Will displace you to any job or grade that suits them!
  • They will send you anywhere in London to do any job!

Report- Young Members Cuba (organising) Lunch

Report- RMT Young Members Organising Lunch (Cuba Lunch)

On Wednesday the 20th of June seven RMT young members met at Maritime House for an informal organising meeting with lunch. It kicked off with a few of us at 1130 with coffee and were joined throughout the afternoon by other young members.

The focus of the day was on what events and campaigns young members could get involved with throughout the year.

Equalities Resolutions: Executive Decisions

The RMT Council Of Exectives have made decisions on the following equalities resolutions:

  • No to hate crime
  • Merchandise for women
  • RMT National Lgbt Advisory Committee
  • Aviation Industry Forced Gay Flight Attendant Into A Sham Marriage
  • Campaign For Equal Marriage
  • Gay Cure Adverts On Tfl Buses
  • Women's refuges - domestic violence policy

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