Bloggy Report- RMT Young Members 2012 AGM Course

Each year the RMT hold an Annual General Meeting, this is where delegates from each region act as the supreme governing body of the union, alongside this event the RMT also runs a young members AGM educational course.

I joined a group of young members from all over the country who work in a variety of grades, there were cleaners on London underground, supervisors, train operators, p-way, and station assistants- almost half of the group came from London. Most young members there had little to do with the union before this and were curious to see what it was all about.

The course itself was funded by the union in recognition that the union needs to regularly involve as well as educate its young members as they are the future (and the present.) My employer did not pay me for the week away but the union covered my loss of earnings as well as travel, accommodation and food expenses so I had nothing to lose by attending.

RMT Ends Dispute With MJ Quinn Following Olympic Bonus And Pay Increment, Whilst Telent Dispute Suspended For Further Talks

We note the resolutions from our LU Engineering branch, and in line with these, we instruct the General Secretary to:

  • advise MJ Quinn that following its Olympic bonus, pay increment and relaxation of
    leave restriction, we are no longer in dispute with the company on this contract
  • cancel the ballot of our members on this MJ Quinn contract
  • advise our members of this decision
  • keep our ballot of our members on Telent in suspension
  • place in front of us reports on further talks with Telent and reports from our branch as
    to members’ views

Tube Lines Olympic Offer Of Up To £850 Accepted By RMT Representatives

The RMT have accepted an Olympic Offer from Tube Lines worth up to £850. A decision was made on the 28 June at the unions recent Annual General Meeting.

“That in light of the report from the Regional Organiser and taking account of the recommendation of the representatives we recommend acceptance of the offer and instruct the GC to inform Tube Lines of our acceptance.”

Olympic Rewards Tube Lines

The three documents below make up Tube Lines offer for Olympic Rewards.

Free Film Viewing: The Navigators

The Workers Educational Association's London Region, in partnership with the RMT have organised a free showing of The Navigators.

Come and join us for a drink and a showing of the Ken Loach film about rail privatisation.

There will also be two excellent speakers at the event. These are Bob Crow, General Secretary RMT and Janine Booth, RMT Council of Executives London Transport and friend of Rob Dawber, the script writer and trade union activist, who died from mesothelioma contracted while working with asbestos on the railways.

RMT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Newsletter For Summer 2012

Here is the latest edition of the RMT's LGBT newsletter - Standing Proud.

In this edition are

  • details of this year's LGBT conference
  • upcoming events including World Pride, which takes place in London on the 7th of July
  • LGBT motions and reports on their progress.
  • and much more

Please email to your friends and colleagues, or print the newsletter and distribute at your workplace.

RMT Begins Olympics Payments Ballots On Three Main Train Services This Week

RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that balloting for strike action and action short of a strike will begin this week on three main train services: South West Trains, Greater Anglia and First Great Western.

Ballot papers will be sent to members this week with the votes closing on thursday 19th July.

Latitude Music Festival Tickets

Latitude Festival (Thursday 12 July-Sunday 15 July. Henham Park, Southwold, Suffolk)

RMT Young Members have secured places for 6 young members to Latitude Festival in return for volunteering for a shift a day (shifts are no more than 6 hours) in the Workers Beer Company Bar.

Volunteers get:
-free entry to the festival
-a couple of drinks to enjoy after every shift
-meal vouchers

+Secure camping area with toilets regularly cleaned, showers, and a subsidised canteen and bar.

RMT Settles West London Service Control Dispute

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that following a series of ACAS talks the Piccadilly and sub-surface lines control dispute has been settled and strike action due to start this Sunday evening has been called off.

Following extensive negotiations RMT has been able to secure agreements that protect earnings, employment, grading, career progression, training and the release time for union representatives.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said: