RMT Warns Of Government Threat To Rip Up Regulations Protecting Ticket Offices From Closures Under Guise Of Cutting 'Red Tape'

RAIL UNION RMT warned today that at the close of Parliamentary business earlier this week, the Government slipped out a possible change to regulations under their “Red Tape Challenge” that would remove a layer of protection from rail ticket offices enabling the McNulty plans to wipe them out to be bulldozed through regardless of public opposition.

As Parliamentary Session Ends, Government Kicks Thameslink Fleet Contract And Future Of UK Train Building Deeper Into Long Grass

WITH THE current Parliamentary session ending yesterday, rail union RMT warned that the Government has kicked the Thameslink fleet contract into the long-grass for yet another summer leaving thousands of skilled manufacturing jobs in the Midlands hanging in the balance. There is also speculation that the secretive tender documentation could contain a clause meaning that Siemens may default if the deal isn’t closed by the end of August.

RMT Members Proposed industrial Action Secures Acceptable Olympic Payment At Thales

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and that significant progress has been made in talks, leading to a new offer being tabled by the employer, including:

  • payments to employees to compensate for the change in annual leave allocation from a number of days to an equivalent number of hours
  • improved shift allowances
  • an Olympics payment of £20 per day, maximum £680
  • 1% pay rise

Olympic Security

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Following the recent news that G4S has grossly underemployed the number of security guards required for Olympic events, I have written to employers with members working in the London area. I have asked them to inform me of their mitigations for ensuring the safety and security of RMT members during the Olympic Games.

I am writing to you to remind you that you have the right to withdraw yourself from imminent and serious danger should you have genuine concern for your safety.

Tube Bosses Want Driverless Jubilee Line In Three Years, Unstaffed Stations And Mass Ticket Office Closures Across Network

The Document is attached below

"RMT is demanding cast-iron assurances that this ... be dumped for good and we will have no hesitation in taking the action required to stop this" - Bob Crow

A SHOCKING INTERNAL LU document, released by tube union RMT today, exposes a secret agenda to move the entire Jubilee Line to driverless operation within three years, trialled later this year - with the other deep level tube lines to follow - without even train captains on board, to run stations unstaffed and to close ticket offices the length of the line.

The blueprint, drawn up by the senior management of LU under pressure from Mayor Boris Johnson to meet his manifesto commitment of “driverless operation”, was mapped out towards the end of last year for implementation, RMT believes, after the Mayoral election without a shred of consultation with the trade unions or the recognized structures.

The document is called “Deep Tube Railway – Generic Operations and Maintenance Concept – 2020” and its core proposals are:

LUL Plans to Destaff Trains and Stations - This Affects Us All !!!

From RMT London Transport Regional organiser

Here is a signed off copy of London Underground's plans for driverless trains, and unstaffed stations it includes the signatures of several senior engineers and indeed that of Howard Collins himself.

The General secretary has asked me to share the document with you our reps and branches so that you can inform our members accordingly.

Here are a few key points for your attention

Vote YES in RMT's Ballots for Action Short of Strikes

RMT is balloting its members on London Underground on two separate issues. These are not ballots for strikes, but for 'action short of strikes'.

They are necessary because of LUL's actions - and will become unnecessary if and when LUL backs off from its dangerous and unacceptable course of action. Until such a point is reached, please vote YES in both these ballots.

Issue 1. Implementation of our Olympic deal

Burston strike school Rally

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I would like to encourage all branches and activists to attend this year’s commemoration of the Burston Strike School. As in previous years RMT wants to have as large a presence as possible at this important event in the trade union calendar.

We will commemorate the longest strike in history, and celebrate the people who continue to fight for trade union rights, working class education, democracy in the countryside, and international solidarity.