Keep Stations And The Underground Safe During The Olympics

from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Following consultation with our lead officer and representatives, we instruct all London Underground members to take action short of strike action starting at 00:01 on Friday 27 July and continuing until further notice, as follows:

  • All members to not co-operate in any way with the counting of Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) towards the minimum number of staff on duty for a station to be open to passengers.
  • Members acting as ICSAs to withdraw from the station and refuse to be counted

Olympic Special Stations And Revenue Newsletter

The deal secured by your union guarantees the existing protection of the framework agreement. The RMT alone argued that we were already being asked to work hard enough without selling any hard won protection for a few quid. If you feel that you have been asked to work outside of this agreement or been treated unfavourably then advise your local RMT rep who will take it up immediately . Remember that the framework agreement is there for a reason, it protects our safety, welfare and future at work.You have a right and a responsibility to refuse any duty which breaks that agreement. Only a fool breaks the twelve hour rule.

...continue reading or download the newsletter below.

DLR And Tube Cleaners Solid In Support Of Strike Action In Fight For Fairness On Olympics Payments

Transport union RMT said today that DLR and tube cleaners working for Initial, ISS and Carlisle are rock solid in their support for strikes that started this morning for fair pay and Olympics recognition and reward.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

"On the opening day of the Games the many millions enjoying the events around the globe must not forget the London transport cleaners on minimum pay rates doing some of the dirtiest jobs in often appalling conditions with no Olympics recognition and reward whatsoever.

The Agency Workers Regulations And The Swedish Derogation

According to the TUC, the Swedish Derogation is: “an option written into the EU Temporary Agency Work Directive that allows member States to insert a provision into their transposing legislation that says that where an agency worker is directly employed by an agency they are not protected by the equal treatment provisions in the Directive. The UK Regulations, which come into force in October, make use of the “Swedish” derogation.

New TfL Strike Next Friday Replaces This Friday's Action

We note the correspondence from TfL and the legal advice on file.

We instruct the General Secretary to cancel the strike action on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 July, and instead instruct all our members covered by this dispute to take strike action as follows: not to book on for any duty starting on or after 07:00 on Friday 3 August, returning to duties starting on or after 07:00 on Saturday 4 August.

RMT London Calling newsletter: Olympics special no.2

Updated on 26th July - please ensure you are using the latest version

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the new issue of our 'RMT London Calling' newsletter, our second Olympics special, reporting on: Olympics agreements won by RMT so far; strikes by cleaners, bike hire and TfL staff; action short of strikes on London Underground; the Olympics security crisis; and more.

Cycle Hire Scheme 'Boris Bikes' Strike Suspended Following £500 Olympic Payment Offer

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and the unanimous view of our representatives that we should suspend the industrial action we have notified to start on Friday 27 July. Our campaigning has led to the company offering a £500 pounds Olympic bonus, and our representatives, branch and Organising Unit have drawn up a plan for recruiting new members and getting information to existing members. We further note that a members’ meeting will be held within two weeks.

Cleaners & Supporters Right To Protest Curtailed

We note the report on the problems experienced in holding a demonstration on 27 July as instructed by the GGC on 19 July. We are appalled that the right to protest is being curtailed under the pretext of a sporting event, and that the Olympic area is designated ‘private property’ when the Olympics is a major public event funded by public money.

We note the ongoing efforts to identify alternative venues for a demonstration and instruct the General Secretary to place a report in front of us once an alternative is identified.