As Thales Make No Further Olympic Offer, RMT Reiterates Plan To Strike

That we note the correspondence from our Regional Organiser on file and the letter from Thales dated the 13th July 2012 and that this matter remains unresolved.

Therefore we reiterate our previous decision to call industrial action as stated in our decision GWW 11th July 2012.

Further should Thales mount a legal challenge, the General Secretary is instructed to provide all necessary assistance to defend the decision of our members to take industrial action.

Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.

RMT On Government Announcement On Rail Investment

Rail investment should happen swiftly and be financed by sacking privateers not railway workers.

RMT will fight any cynical attempt to finance investment at some date way off in the future by sacking guards

Following the government announcement on rail investment RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said "What we need is investment in rail today not yet another political promise of jam tomorrow.

All of the rail projects on this shopping list have been talked about for years and with the surge in passenger demand we cannot afford further delays like the ongoing Thameslink fleet replacement fiasco.

Community Groups And Unions Call For Free, Community Led Pride

This is the TUC press release of a recent meeting of the future of pride which was attended by several union and community group representatives including the RMT's LGBT Officer

In the aftermath of the problems that afflicted London's World Pride earlier this month, community groups and LGBT trade unionists have confirmed their support for a national Pride to be held in central London, an event that is free and accessible to all, and a celebration as well as a demand for equality.

RMT To Take Legal Advice On Whether Brother Petrit Mihaj's Employment Tribunal Success Against Sodexo Can be Used To Benefit Other Workers

"We...believe that the judgment in Mihaj vs Sodexo may be very useful for members in other companies"

We note with concern the correspondence advising that Brother Mihaj had not received the payment ordered by the Employment Tribunal within the required timescale, but note that he has now received the payment.

We further note that Brother Mihaj was successful in his Employment Tribunal application on the grounds that his employer did not use discretion in his case despite the contract of employment stating that discretion applied. We note that many employers routinely act in a similar fashion, for example refusing payments or applying disciplinary sanctions without exercising the discretion the contract or policy includes.

RMT London Taxi Branch Urgent Press Release

LPH Notice 08/12 Dated 13.07.12

The RMT London Taxi Branch condemns absolutely the inflammatory and provocative statement to drivers at the conclusion of the notice that is intended to threaten drivers who wish to take part in a legitimate demonstration.

Driver who are members of this branch who are participating in the demonstration are assured of the following:

continue reading or download the RMT London taxi Branch statement below

Blog: RMT Members Join London Pride

The RMT had a strong presence at this years World Pride, held in London for the first time. It was also the fortieth anniversary of the first Pride parade held in London, and veterans from what would have been a very different protest for gay rights led what has largely become a celebration of LGBT liberation and values. The RMT group was attended by Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual members as well other members who wanted to demonstrate their and the unions support for equality. This including General Secretary Bob Crow whose attendance was filmed for BBC News. Continue reading to watch the RMTv video

RMT Secures Major Olympics Payments Breakthrough On Key Train Operator – Two Other Ballots Continue

RAIL UNION RMT today called off a strike ballot over Olympics payments on key train operator First Great Western after hammering out a new agreement that will ensure that all staff right across the service will secure additional benefits.

The agreement, reached after extensive negotiation with RMT representatives, gives our members a flat rate payment for the Olympic period in addition to enhanced payments for additional services being run by First Great Western and in recognition of the busy periods expected.

Sign this e-Petition - Scrappage Scheme for London Taxis

Please click here to add your name to RMT's petition to the government to introduce a scrappage scheme for London taxis.

The Mayor has recently imposed a 15-year age limit on London taxis, but without a scrappage scheme (similar to that introduced by the last government for private cars), many drivers will not be able to afford to replace aged vehicles with newer, less polluting ones. A scrappage scheme will benefit London's air quality and London's taxi drivers, many of whom are RMT members.

Young Members Education Course Uptake

The RMT young members AGM course took place in Torquay this year, we were able to accommodate approximately 10 young members and it was a very successful event. Report can be found here:

The London transport region was well represented, comprising about a half of the delegates on the course and from cleaner, driver, station assistant, station supervisor grades and also an excellent representation of ethnicities.

RMT Calls For Disinvestment By London Transport Pension Fund From Semperian PPP/PFI Outfit

REPRESENTATIVES OF tube union RMT on the London Transport pension fund have called for disinvestment from Semperian PPP after it emerged that one of their subcontractors on the Great Western Hospital PFI contract in Swindon, Carillion, has been involved in a long-running dispute with sister union GMB over racial abuse, bullying and extortion.