Summary Of Olympic Offers Accepted & Rejected By RMT

This table provides a brief overview of Olympic offers from workplaces within which the RMT organises. The summary was last updated on the 18th of July 2012. Please note that in workplaces where disputes are marked as ongoing the summary may soon be out of date as improved offers re made.

For the latest news from the London Transport Region workplaces click here

Any members viewing this who work outside the LTR should check with their local reps for the latest news.

Workplace campaigns: 

RMT Members On Southern Trains Vote To Accept Latest Olympics Deal

RMT members on Southern trains have voted overwhelmingly in a referendum ballot to accept an Olympics recognition and reward deal which will see all staff receiving a basic payment of £300 with an additional £28 per day available for rest day and Sunday working and £50 for additional late night turns.

The total reward package is in line with agreements on other London train operators and ratchets up the pressure for a fair deal on South West Trains, Greater Anglia and First Great Western where RMT is balloting for action.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

Was Dangerous Waste Illegally Dumped Near Beckton DLR? RMT Demands Answers

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today demanded a full investigation by the safety authorities and assurances on staff and passenger safety as the union received reports over the weekend that police has arrested a gang on Friday thought to be responsible for the dumping of thousands of tons of asbestos and other hazardous waste adjacent to Beckton DLR station where the main DLR depot is also sited.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

RMT Pledges To Fight Tory Attack On Pensioners Travel

RMT pledges to fight Cameron-ally Nick Boles attack on pensioners travel.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said

"Nick Boles speaks for the rotten core of the Tory party when he lines up his attack on pensioners' free travel and other well-earned benefits. He knows full well that means-testing the travel pass would stop many who need it from claiming it - cutting off their lifeline and leaving them isolated from the wider world. The Tory right are using the bankers' economic crisis as a cover to take the axe to core pensioners' benefits and we will fight them all the way.

Leeds, Reading, Latitude Festivals

The RMT have secured places for 6 members to Leeds Reading and Latitude Music Festivals in return for volunteering for a shift a day (shifts are no more than 6 hours) in the Workers Beer Company Bar.

Young Member Volunteers will get priority if it becomes oversubscribed.

Volunteers get:
-free entry to the festival
-a couple of drinks to enjoy after every shift
-meal vouchers
-transport from london
+Secure camping area with toilets regularly cleaned, showers, and a subsidised canteen and bar.


Video: AGM '12 Young member motion and debate

Highlights of the young member motion and debate at the RMT AGM 2012 can be seen here:

Item 59. and Item 60 - (Tuesday) 26/06/2012

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London Underground's Breaches Of Casualisation Statement

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

“In response to LUL’s statement given on Thursday 5 July at 16:00 at ACAS, RMT is not arguing about the use of ICSAs working on stations alongside established staff. We are, however, totally opposed to ICSAs being counted towards minimum numbers for keeping a station open or for evacuation purposes.

On 2 April 2008, Gerry Duffy, LUL’s Director of Employee Relations, signed an agreement with RMT and TSSA which clearly states that the minimum staffing level for each station is:

RMT LUL 'Olympic Safe Staffing Levels Dispute' Statement

In response to LUL’s statement given on Thursday 5 July at 16:00 at ACAS, RMT is not arguing about the use of ICSAs working on stations alongside established staff. We are, however, totally opposed to ICSAs being counted towards minimum numbers for keeping a station open or for evacuation purposes.

On 2 April 2008, Gerry Duffy, LUL’s Director of Employee Relations, signed an agreement with RMT and TSSA which clearly states that the minimum staffing level for each station is: