RMT Turns To TUC Over Recognition Dispute At Boris Bikes, Whilst Battle For A Fair Olympic Payment Continues

RMT response on Serco "Boris bikes" Olympics payment.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said;

"There is no Olympics payment agreement for the vast majority of the Serco bikes staff who are members of the RMT and we remain in dispute with the company.

"RMT is by far the biggest union on the Boris bikes and regardless of what others might be saying the issue of recognition is being dealt with by the TUC disputes procedure and we are continuing to both recruit and to fight for a fair deal for the Serco Barclays workforce for the Olympics and beyond."

"It is completely untrue to say that RMT has withdrawn its claim for recognition with this employer - our direct call for recognition from Serco Barclays remains in place and internally within the movement the matter is being dealt with through TUC procedure. RMT activists have worked to build a strong membership density and rank and file organisation on the "Boris Bikes" and that work goes on."

> RMT National News

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