In the face of LU's recently-declared intention to implement MOBILE STATION SUPERVISION on ex-Silverlink stations, the planned closure of Whitechapel and potentially Vauxhall and Temple ticket offices, it's time to ramp up our organising efforts.

To this end, there are two important events next week:

1. Stations Recruitment Day. Thursday 25th July. District Line. Meet 1030, Whitechapel Station. With LU intending to close Whitechapel ticket office, it's vital to boost the membership and morale on District Line stations.

RMTV: Keep Whitechapel Ticket Office Open

On July 15, 2013 RMT organised a demonstration at Whitechapel Underground station to campaign against the proposed closure of the ticket office at this station. RMT general secretary Bob Crow joined those demonstrating and spoke to RMTv.

TUBE UNION RMT today pledged to step up the fight to defend ticket offices on London Underground with an all-out battle over the threat to the service at Whitechapel in East London.

The RMT has registered its strong opposition to plans to remove the ticket office from Whitechapel station during the process of rebuilding the station for it to be served by Crossrail. The plans totally ignore the fact that the station serves an area which includes a busy market and a major hospital. The area is also known for its diverse local population, many of whom need to access staff support at an open ticket office rather than rely on ticket-issuing machines – machines that are vulnerable to vandalism.

The video is filmed and edited by Andrew Brattle. You can watch many more videos like this at

In The News: RMT Respond To Whitechapel Ticket Office Closure Threat

The threat of the closure of Whitechapel ticket office has been reported in both the local and national press.

RMT has registered its strong opposition to plans to remove the ticket office from Whitechapel station during the process of rebuilding the station for it to be served by Crossrail. The plans totally ignore the fact that the station serves an area which includes a busy market and a major hospital. The area is also known for its diverse local population, many of whom need to access staff support at an open ticket office rather than rely on ticket-issuing machines – machines that are vulnerable to vandalism.

RMT Learning: London Underground Learning Questionnaire

My name is Anna Gichaga and I am a Union Learning Rep for the RMT Union on London Underground. This survey has been designed to collect learning information from our members and other workers on London Underground. Your assistance filling this out will help us to organise information, advice and guidance for all those interested in learning and with sufficient numbers will allow us to arrange a number of courses for all those keen to increase their skills and knowledge. The Time to Train legislation that came in has prompted this survey.

June Regional RMT Black and Ethnic Minorities Meeting

RMT's Black and Ethnic Minorities South East monthly meeting at the Exmouth Arms Euston

At 1830hrs we will give our attention to the Reparation planning committee work until end of meeting


GETTING TO THE EXMOUTH ARMS: on corner of 1 Starcross St/Cobough Street NW1 2HR.
Out of Euston station. With station to your back turn left then first left, walk to the hotel, turn right, next left