Protest - Save Whitechapel Ticket Office

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Many of you will be aware that Whitechapel Underground station is undergoing a huge refurbishment, which will see the station serving thousands more customers each year, as a result of the Crossrail project. However, London Underground has announced plans to remove and close the Ticket Office from July 2014, which will also result in the loss of SAMF positions.

Whitechapel Station Ticket Office Faces Bulldozers In July 2014

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Many of you will be aware that Whitechapel Underground station is undergoing a huge refurbishment, which will see the station serving thousands more customers each year, as a result of the Crossrail project. However, London Underground has announced plans to remove and close the Ticket Office from July 2014, which will also result in the loss of SAMF positions.

RMT Steps Up Fight As Boris Johnson Signs Off Earls Court / Lillie Bridge Carve Up

Tube union RMT today pledged to step up the fight to stop the carve up of the Lillie Bridge tube maintenance depot as Mayor Boris Johnson sneaked out an announcement late last night that gives the green light to the demolition of Earls Court and the surrounding area and its conversion into a yuppies playground by Tory Councillors hell bent on the social cleansing of whole swathes of West London.

Every Journey Matters, but Not Every job

Download the attachment for the full SFC Newsletter

It is an indication of the way things are that the most important issue in this SFC News is about something management will not discuss at Functional Council.
Once again we have asked LU to come clean and tell members what their plans are for our stations. Vauxhall has now been added to the list of stations that will be refurbished and re-opened without a ticket office. Management refuse to say which other stations, or even how many will lose their ticket offices.

Boris Johson Flash Mobbed By Save Earl's Court Campaigners

From Anabela Hardwick of Save Earl's Court campaign

Here is a round up of the Save Earl's Court campaign's eventful morning at City Hall on Tuesday this week. We gathered at 10AM for photographs and Darren Johnson (Green), Nicky Gavron (Labour) and Stephen Knight (Lib Dem) all spoke about why stopping the demolitions is so important.

Then suddenly someone noticed that Boris Johnson was speaking to the press on the small piece of lawn by the side of the Assembly.

So we all ran, placards and banners in hand and flash mobbed him, interrupting his press call.

New York Raffle Winner

The RMT held a raffle at this years Annual General Meeting. The prize was a trip to New York, with all procedes going to the 'Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund.

Congratulations to Colin Barrett who won the prize in the Thursday night draw with yellow ticket, number 331.

The raffle made £4430 towards the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund. Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket.