TAXIS Lobby Of Parliament

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

The Law Commission is currently reviewing all legislation relating to taxi and private hire vehicles. Whilst this review, which officials claim is designed to simplify the legislation, could potentially deregulate the industry and as such is a threat to members’ livelihoods, it also presents us with a number of opportunities.

The interim statement of the Law Commission does not commit to legally defining plying for hire, however, it does acknowledge that a two-tier system must remain in place.

Tolpuddle Seminar ‘Justice for Workers – A Strategy for Change’

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Tuesday 9th July, 2013 7:00pm

Committee Room 5, House of Commons

The Trade Union Co-ordinating Group, which comprises of ten trade unions (BFAWU, FBU, NAPO, NUJ, NUT, PCS, POA, RMT, UCU and URTU) and represents over one million trade unionists throughout the UK, have invited RMT members to listen to the concerns of unions, lawyers and campaigning groups in relation to the current issues facing workers.

Strike Ballot For 'Boris Bike' Workers

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that it is to ballot staff running the London “Boris Bike’s” for both strike action and action short of a strike over a range of grievances:

· The imposition of a 2% pay increase for 2013

· The imposition of shift change patterns

· The continuous bullying and harassment of members

· The company’s refusal to reach a formal agreement on travelling time or on travel allowances

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

Fatigue - Station And Revenue Grades

This circular is from RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

The following resolution was adopted at the 2012 National Conference of Station and Associated Grades concerning fatigue. Subsequently, the General Grades Committee adopted the following report from the GGC Health & Safety Sub-committee:

“That we note the resolution from our National Conference of Station and Associated Grades 2012.

RMT Parliamentary Party Report - Spring 2013

This report covers the period from 26 February to 31 May, including Easter and the half-term Whitsun Recess. The House sat for approximately eight weeks during this period which also saw Parliament prorogued as the 2012-2013 session was concluded, and the Queen’s Speech announcing the government’s legislative programme for the 2013-14 session of Parliament was held on 8 May.The Government’s agenda for the new Parliamentary Session was set out in the Queen’s Speech, which along with the Budget and the Comprehensive Spending Review statement at the end of June, clearly demonstrate the continuation of its programme of cuts, job losses, privatisation and attacks on pay, pensions, employment rights, and terms and conditions.

Read on to view or download the report below