Win a trip to New York for two people and raise funds for the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund!

This prize has now been won. Thank you to everybody who entered.

You could win a trip to New York for 2 People - buy raffle tickets for a chance to win a 3 day trip for 2 people to New York with hotel and flights included and help the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund reach its target! The raffle will be held in the evening on Thursday 27th of June following the RMT Annual General Meeting.

For your chance to win this fantastic prize, buy tickets via the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund Paypal Account button below and comment that they are for the 'New York Raffle,' and add your email address. We will reply with your raffle ticket numbers. All proceeds will go to the Fund.

Please note - we will stop selling online raffle tickets at 12:00 hours on Thursday 27th of June 2013. When buying raffle tickets via PayPal please remember to state 'New York Raffle' and your email address. RMT General Secretary Bob Crow will pick a winner at random. The winning ticket number will be posted on our websites.

TOCS Paying Twice In Dividends What They Pay In Tax

RAIL UNION RMT released new research at their AGM in Brighton this morning showing that Britain's main private train operating companies are paying out twice as much in dividends than they are in tax.

Figures for the top five train operators showed that they paid just over 13% in tax on operating profits of nearly a billion pounds at a time when the basic rate of corporation tax is 23% and the standard personal tax rate is 20%.

Young Member AGM Resolutions 2013 Results

Branches sent a number of resolutions to the Young Members Advisory Committee 2013 which took place in Newcastle this February. These were debated at length, some were voted against and fell whilst others were voted in favour and carried.
2 of which were also voted to go to the unions annual general meeting.

Full wording of these resolutions can be found here:

This week at the unions AGM in Brighton the president ruled out Resolution1) No title (re: A Young members fund) for a number of reasons.

TfL Long Service Awards

From General Secretary Bob Crow

Further to my previous circular dated 30th April 2013 (IR/255/13), branches will recall that I wrote to TfL expressing concerns over the lack of consultation over this policy change. The above matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee and the following decision has been taken:-

London Cycle Hire Members Organise

The RMT have over one hundred members working for the London Cycle Hire Scheme; better known as 'Boris Bikes.'

This image from a recent meeting shows a well organised workforce who are demanding to be treated with respect and are strong enough to take management on if necesary.

For more stories on this site relating to Cycle Hire Scheme workers click here.