TWU America Young Workers Summit 2013

(please see attached-TWU Young Workers Summit 2013- Summery)

The Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) had their first youth meeting in Washington DC a couple of months ago attracting 14 young workers, there they created a draft constitution (bylaws) in view of forming a young workers committee. Following this meeting they took on draft amendments.

RMT At Pride London - Join Us?

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow


Our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Committee are taking part in the annual Pride march in London on Saturday 29 June. An invitation is extended to all RMT members, friends and family, whatever sexuality, to join them and show solidarity for LGBT rights across the world.

"I was first diagnosed with Ocular Melanoma in December 2007"

Brian Munro wrote this article about his experiences of living with Ocular Melanoma Metastasis for OcumelUk, a charity helping and supporting patients with OM.

I was first diagnosed with Ocular Melanoma (OM) in December 2007. It was shocking news but the doctors at Moorfields told me they could treat it. I was told it could spread but they seemed confident that the prognosis was good. Following Proton Beam Therapy the lesion in my eye was shrinking, I had the usual liver ultra sounds and blood tests done on a regular basis showing that everything was fine. Despite the assurances from Moorfields I still found the diagnosis extremely difficult.

RMT London Transport Region Supports Brother Munro

The London Transport Region of the Railway, Maritime & Transport Workers Union voted to support brother Brian Munro in his ongoing fight against cancer. The following motion was passed at a recent London Transport meeting:

"We note the establishment of the 'Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund' to raise money for treatment for Brother Munro's rare form of cancer. We resolve to make a donation and to raise further funds. We ask the Council of Executives to make a sizeable contribution, to publicise the appeal, and to authorise branches and regional councils to donate and fundraise.

RMT London Calling Newsletter June 2013

In this edition of RMT London Calling are stories on:

  • We Will Resist Job Cuts - Fight For A Fully Funded Publicly Owned Underground
  • Defend Clara Osagiede
  • Mobile Supervisors and ICSAs Signal the Start of Post-Olympic Cuts - We Can and Will Defend Pay, Conditions & Job Security
  • Statement from RMT LT Region on Arson Attack against Islamic centre.
  • Lobby Against Taxi Deregulation
  • Tubelines Pension Dispute Continues
  • Save Whitechapel Ticket Office
  • Pride 2013
  • NSSN Conference

Report on ETF Women's Conference

This report on the European Transport Workers Federation Women's Conference has been endorsed by the RMT Executive.

The ETF Women’s Conference (and Congress) met in Berlin in the 80th anniversary year of the Nazis’ storming of trade union offices and deportation of trade unionists to camps, and of the repression of LGBT venues and communities. There is a temporary display near the Brandenburg Gate on Unter den Linden, and I also visited the memorials to both Jewish and homosexual victims of the Holocaust.