Stop The Closure Of Whitechapel Ticket Office

Please take a few seconds to add your name to the petition to stop the closure of Whitechapel ticket office:

With Crossrail coming to London next year, Whitechapel Underground station is undergoing a huge refurbishment, which will see the station serving thousands more customers each year. However, London Underground has announced that the completed station will have no ticket office.

Firm That Left East Coast Mainline In Chaos Cleared To Bid For Route Again

RAIL UNION RMT revealed today that National Express, the company that threw back the keys as their contract on the East Coast Mainline collapsed into chaos four years ago, have been cleared to bid for the route again as the Government speed up plans to reprivatise the service that is currently being successfully run in the public sector.

TAXIS Lobby Of Parliament

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

The Law Commission is currently reviewing all legislation relating to taxi and private hire vehicles. Whilst this review, which officials claim is designed to simplify the legislation, could potentially deregulate the industry and as such is a threat to members’ livelihoods, it also presents us with a number of opportunities.

The interim statement of the Law Commission does not commit to legally defining plying for hire, however, it does acknowledge that a two-tier system must remain in place.

RMT London Transport Region Statement on Muswell Hill Islamic Center Fire

Today’s attack on the Islamic centre in Muswell Hill was a barbaric act calculated to whip up division in the community. The London Transport Region of the RMT wholeheartedly condemns the attack on the centre and offers its full solidarity and support to the community which it serves. We call upon the trade union movement in London to lead a campaign of support and solidarity with the local Muslim community.

'Stand Back' delivering a powerful message another way

We are constantly looking for new ways to communicate our message to other workers, members and the public.

A branch of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) who represent transport workers in New York City have created a unique rap video urging passengers to stand back.

Check it out:


We have created a poster that you can display in your workplace, and forms you can use when collecting donations.

The posters could be displayed on union boards in work, or any place where people will see them.
Download the poster using the link below

Collection forms