J33 demo at 55 Broadway May 20 0800-1000

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow has not given up the fight to have the 33 RMT members sacked by LUL given permanent jobs
He will be at the demo on Monday to heap pressure on the bosses at 55 Broadway

Justice for the 33 campaign. Sack the agency not the workers.
Please come and support RMT members who worked for over 5 years on LUL but have now been dropped by after being promised permanent jobs
May 20 2013 0800 - 1000
Sign the petition at;

Justice for the 33 - Demo May 20th 2013 @ 0800-1000

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow has not given up the fight to have the 33 RMT members sacked by LUL given permanent jobs
He will be at the demo on Monday to heap pressure on the bosses at 55 Broadway

Justice for the 33 campaign. Sack the agency not the workers.
Please come and support RMT members who worked for over 5 years on LUL but have now been dropped by after being promised permanent jobs
May 20 2013 0800 - 1000
Sign the petition at;

Stop Staff Cuts At The London Transport Museum

A demonstration is being held to fight to stop the staff cuts at The London Transport Museum.

Whilst the museum holds an event - "Brightest London" it is dark days for the staff; as the face the threat of unemployment!

DEMO- Young Members lead the way

In the spirit of revolutionary Cuba, RMT young members are spearheading an anti McNulty demo prior to the Cuba Solidarity Garden Party.

The general secretary and assistant general secretaries have all confirmed their attendance.

Bring banners, flags, whistles etc to Kings Cross Station.

Poster attached.

Contact Gaz for more details:

RMT calls for withdrawal from EU

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today called for British withdrawal from the EU and attacked the media for only using right-wing voices from the anti-EU side of the debate when in fact it is the working class that are suffering most across Europe as a result of the bankers and business-led austerity measures.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“RMT’s position is clear, not only should there be an early in/out referendum but also we are calling unequivocally for British withdrawal.