RMT London Taxi Driver Branch Sets Out Demands On Law Commission Review

We note the interim statement from the Law Commission on its consideration of taxi and private hire

We welcome the indication that the Commission will recommend retaining the distinction between taxis and
private hire vehicles (PHVs). We are concerned, however, that the replacement of the concept of ‘plying for hire’ with the concept of ‘pre-booking’ may dilute this distinction and allow private hire vehicles to encroach on taxi drivers’ work. (paragraph 5)

Article on Domestic Violence

I wrote this article for Labour Briefing:

On International Working Women’s Day, set up over 100 years ago by socialist women in the workers’ movement to fight for our rights, RMT launched our model policy for transport employers about domestic violence.

Two years ago, the union's Women's Conference passed a policy rightly deploring cuts to women’s refuges. But as a trade union, we also have a responsibility to identify the workplace implications of domestic violence, and to press this issue through our collective bargaining with employers.

Young Members AGM Course 2013

Young Members’ Annual General Meeting Education Course 2013

In recent years the Union has organised a Young Members Education Course to run in parallel with the Unions ‘Parliament’ the Annual General Meeting which has proved highly successful. This year the Annual General Meeting takes place in Brighton, and a similar education course for any of our young members to attend will be organised. To attend you should be a member of the RMT and aged 30 or less on the 22nd June 2013.

Emergency Motion, Trainpeople- TUC Black Workers Conference 2013

TUC Black Workers Conference 2013

Emergency Motion 1- PASSED

Trainpeople on London Underground

Conference notes that on 27th February 2013, RMT called on Trainpeople members to take industrial action over London Underground's decision to terminate the contract with Trainpeople Agency.

Through the agency these employees had a variety of customer service roles, including station assistant, gateline and supervisory posts, some for up to 5 years.

Thermal Comfort Survey - The Results

Last month RMT Health & Safety representative Julie Miller surveyed station staff, asking about the effects of working in cold weather and the mitigation offered.

Nearly 700 people responded - around half station assistants (CSA's), a third station supervisor's and the remainder Revenue Control Inspectors and ticket office workers (SAMFs).