Industrial Action Called Across London Underground

Strike action ballots return strong yes votes from ISS cleaners, drivers on the Piccadilly and sub surface depots, and maintenance workers on TfL contract with Mitie

RMT today confirmed a ballot for strike action of Train Operators and Instructor Operators on the Piccadilly Line, in response to London Underground riding roughshod over agreements and abusing a range of agreed policies and procedures, has shown a massive nine to one vote in favour.

RMT Firmly Opposes Suspension Of Transfers Into TfL Pension Fund

We welcome the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council, and share its firm opposition to the TfL Pension Fund suspending transfers into the fund. This decision threatens the stability of the Fund and removes important rights from some of our members.

We also agree that ‘suspending’ a rule for six years is an undemocratic manoeuvre to avoid the process of changing the rules.

RMT Members Agree All Workers Under TfL Umbrella Should Be Admitted To Superior TfL Pension Scheme

We note the report, which clearly illustrates the benefits of membership of the TfL Pension Fund as opposed to inferior, defined-contribution pension schemes that have been established by many employers operating under contract or franchise from TfL.

We note that:

  • Many companies now offer pension schemes that are significantly inferior to the TfL Fund.
  • Many of the workers concerned - eg. cleaners, canteen staff - would have worked for TfL (or its
    predecessor, London Transport) had they been employed prior to contracting-out, so would have been
    members of the TfL Fund.

Machinery Of Negotiation Review Update

We note that further talks have taken place on this matter, and that the employer has drafted proposed constituencies.

We further note the request from the employer for our membership numbers. We authorise the lead officer to provide these numbers through an appropriate method, for example through the auspices of ACAS. We require and expect the company to reciprocally provide us with the numbers of employees in each of its proposed constituencies.

Reports and developments to be placed in front of us.

Mitie Members To Take 24 Hour Strike Action


That we note the ballot results are as follows:-

Are you willing to take strike action?

Total votes cast ...18..............

Number voting “Yes”...16..(88.9%)..........

Number voting “No”....2.............

Spoilt Papers....0................

Are you willing to take action short of strike action?

Total votes cast...18................

Number voting “Yes”...17..(94.4%)..............

Number voting “No”....1................

Spoilt Papers....0................

British Transport Workers Join US Teamsters Protest At National Express AGM

Representatives of RMT and Unite will be joining a 20 strong delegation of US Teamsters at a protest against union-busting outside the AGM of global transport giant National Express, tomorrow 9th May at 2pm at Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG.

Coach and bus operator National Express has faced growing protests from US bus drivers who have accused the company of "anti-worker, anti-union" policies.

Bob Crow On The Queen's Speech

The ConDem government's planned new laws were laid out today at the Queen's speech.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“This mangled set of measures contains further attacks on workplace health and safety and workers protection through the employment tribunals. One again, this rotten Government has loaded the dice in favour of bad bosses and against workers who all already taking the full force of austerity smack in the face."