Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund

Brian Munro is 44. He lives with his partner Lucy and their two children, Isobel (10) and Brenna (7). Last July Brian was diagnosed with Ocular Melanoma metastasis to his liver.

A cutting edge treatment is available at Christie’s Hospital in Manchester that can prolong Brian Munro’s life. We need your help to do that.

London Transport Regional Council supports fund raising campaign!

The May meeting of the London Transport Regional Council agreed the following resolution:

"We note the establishment of the 'Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund' to raise money for treatment for Brother Munro's rare form of cancer. We resolve to make a donation and to raise further funds. We ask the Council of Executives to make a sizeable contribution, to publicise the appeal, and to authorise branches and regional councils to donate and fundraise.

Brother Munro has for many years been active in this union, and it is now time for us to stand by him."

RMT at Pride London Saturday 29th June 2013

Join other activists and let’s make RMT presence on the march bigger than ever!

We will be marching alongside the TUC contingent near the front of the parade. Be ready for a walk down to find us.

We will meet-up 12:30pm for start at 1pm. Route will be from Baker Street along Oxford Street to Oxford Circus then down Regent Street to Haymarket, past Trafalgar Square and ending in Whitehall.

T-shirts same as last year – available from Unity House if you need one.

Bring along your friends. See you at Pride!

Tube Lines Reps To Discuss Further Action In Tube Lines Pension Dispute

We note the report from our lead officer, recommending industrial action in pursuit of this dispute. We instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting of our Tube Lines representatives as soon as is practical to discuss what form this action should take and to place a report in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and Tube Lines representatives to be advised.

Tube Review Recommended Into Designation Of 'Signal Passed At Danger' incidents

We note that London Underground Ltd dismissed Train Operator James Masango in 2011, before a strong response from this union achieved his reinstatement. We note that RMT complained to the Office of Rail Regulation: firstly, about James’ alleged responsibility for the SPAD; and secondly, that James had been compelled to drive when unfit to do so.

We note the report from HM Principal Inspector of Railways Keith Atkinson in response to our complaint, which found that:

  • “the case of James Masango’s alleged SPAD does not appear to have been handled in the systematic manner I would have expected from LU”
  • “there is undoubtedly room for more structured arrangement between managers and their staff for ensuring clear understanding of an individual’s fitness or otherwise to operate trains”

London Transport Mitie Engineers And Electricians Take Industrial Action

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that electricians and engineers working for contractors Mitie on the TFL contract are to take strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over redundancies and unilateral changes to working conditions.

Members are instructed as follows:

Not to book for any duties staring on or after 00:01 hours on Monday 3rd June 2013 returning to work for duties starting on or after 00:01 hours on Tuesday 4th June 2013.
Furthermore members are also instructed to take the following industrial action short of strike action as outlined below: -