Speaking Out about Autism at Work

This is the speech I gave at TUC Disabled Workers' Conference in proposing RMT's resolution on Autism in the Workplace.

Andrew Beck has Asperger syndrome, an autistic spectrum condition. He was a golf club greenkeeper for 13 years with no problems, until a new boss bullied, humiliated and assaulted him, and forced him out of his job. Andrew won £78k at Employment Tribunal

Adam O’Dee has autism and dyslexia. He got a job through Remploy as a hotel chef. His boss bullied him and paid him half the minimum wage. Adam won £40k+ at employment Tribunal.

Ways to help

There are several ways that you can assist the fund:

  • Organise a fundraising event.

  • Send a donation to the fund.

  • Display our poster asking for donations in your workplace.

  • Like our Facebook Page by clicking the button below, and then share it on your own timeline and other social media. -

Railways Inspector's Recommendations Following Review Into James Masango Case

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow, wrote to the ORR following an incident in 2011 which resulted in the sacking, and subsequent reinstatement of James, due to the strong union response.The RMT complaint regarded firstly James’ alleged responsibility for the SPAD; and secondly, that James had been compelled to drive when unfit to do so. The letter below is the response.

You can read more about the case here.

The Letter

Dear Mr Crow


Help Brian's Fight for Life! Sponsored Lego Marathon

I will soon be doing a Lego marathon in aid of the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund. I will be building for 20 hours non-stop, in an attempt to complete the 3,803-piece Death Star in one sitting. The date is not yet finalised, but the whole thing will be live streamed. Pledge your sponsorship (either an amount per hour or a lump sum) as a comment by emailing me, and I'll let you know details of watching (optional!) and paying up.

WEA Health & Safety Event & Book Launch

WEA in partnership with London Hazards Centre presents "Ramazzini versus the attack on health & safety" by PCS rep Dave Putson.

There will be a talk and book launch at this evening event.

Speakers (in addition to Dave Putson)
Tony O’Brien - Construction Safety Campaign
Simon Hester - Prospect Rep and HSE Inspector
Frank Morris - Blacklist Support Group
Ian Leahair - FBU - Executive Council (London Region member)

This is a meeting and networking event for safety representatives and campaigners at the WEA, Clifton Street, EC2A 4TP.