RMT Prepares To Resist Devastating ConDem Cut Of 12.5% To TfL

We note the resolution from our Bakerloo line branch and share its view that the 12.5% funding cut to Transport for London will be devastating. This union is determined to resist this cut and its negative impact on our members, the travelling public, and London's communities. We will pursue this battle with all means at our disposal, up to and including co-ordinated industrial action.

RMT Fully Opposed To Reduction In Supervisor Coverage

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd and the report from our Regional Organiser. We are totally opposed to LUL’s stated intention to reduce night station supervisor cover, and introduce mobile or remote supervision of stations. We share our RO’s belief that this is an all-out attempt to de-staff and weaken our agreements for all LUL station grades, which we must resist.

Rail 'Racketeering' Sees Prices Rise Over 20% In Less Than A Decade

Transport union RMT today demanded an end to what it described as “blatant rail racketeering” as statistics released this week by the Office of Rail Regulation show that walk-on passengers, who buy their tickets on the day of travel, have seen prices rise by 23.1 per cent in real terms over the past nine years.

Nothing highlights the growing rail fares scandal more than the fact a walk-on return fare from London to Newcastle costs £301, more than a round trip flight to New York. Skyscanner are advertising return trips to the States for £298 today.

London Cycle Hire Reps Push For Better Treatment At Work

We note the report from the meeting of our London Cycle Hire representatives and members, who are determined to pursue their fight for better treatment at work.

Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to:

  • promote to members the mass meeting on Tuesday 30 July at 6pm at the Chapel pub, opposite the workplace, by sending a personal invitation by post to every member involved; and through emails and text message reminders
  • ensure that at the meeting, up-to-date reports are given from talks with the employer, and on progress in achieving recognition

Travel Safe Officers On London Overground Balloted For Strike Following Unjust Behaviour of Bosses

That further to our previous decision GWW 20 June 2013 we note the report from our lead officer and are appalled at the unjust treatment of our members by STM management. We note from the Regional Organiser’s report that STM has applied over-the-top sanctions for minor misdemeanour's and has not investigated the facts properly nor have not properly considered the evidence.

Northern Line Incident 'Critical' As Trains Approach Each Other On Single Track Again

In the latest incident, which happened at 9.50 on Monday morning (22nd July), the driver was given a target speed and proceeded to depart Finchley Central from platform.

He was already in the process of stopping as he had seen another train heading towards him from Mill Hill East as the Line Control emergency call to stop came through.

The driver was forced to carry out a wrong directional move back to Finchley Central to allow the train from Mill Hill East to continue to Finchley Central, an emergency preventative move that could only be carried out by a driver up-front in the cab.

London Overground Workers Balloted For Strike As Guards Face Sack

That further to our previous decision GWW 09th july we note the report from our regional officer and the material from London Overground Rail Operations Ltd. We are appalled that this company is proceeding with scrapping Conductor Guards and contrary to the managements own briefings to employees, led by the Managing Director and Human Resources Director, intends to begin dismissals in October 2013 and complete them in February 2014 which is earlier than the dates quoted in their briefings.

RMT up front issue 27

Attached is the latest edition of RMT up front. This issue focuses on the proposed £350 Boxing Day payments and changes to TOPRA. Main stories follow:

Proposed Boxing Day bonus and changes to TOPRA
RMT demands improvements to deal

The proposed arrangements for Boxing Day payments negotiated between London Underground and ASLEF behind closed doors fall short of RMT’s aspirations. Following a meeting with all RMT drivers’ reps, the union has written to LU demanding further talks to improve the deal.