RMT Pushes For Museum Job Cuts To Be Wihdrawn

We note the information on file regarding Mayor’s questions and the Early Day Motion on this issue.

We instruct the General Secretary to publish links to these on the union’s website, to email members asking them to encourage their MPs to sign the EDM, and in particular to ask those members of our Parliamentary group who have not yet signed the EDM to do so. We further instruct the General Secretary to ensure that cuts to the LT Museum are highlighted in our campaigning against the 12.5% funding cut to Transport for London.

Tube Bosses Implement New Harassment Procedure With No Mention Of Right To a Rep

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. London Underground has now implemented this procedure, and while it improves on the previous procedure in some respects, it does not include the right to representation for those accused of bullying and/or harassment from the start of the process, despite RMT and all other recognised unions taking the position that it should.

We maintain our position on this and will pursue it through appropriate channels.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT To Pursue Dispute Over Central Line 'Authoritarian Disciplinary Regime'

We note the resolution from our Central Line East branch, which we understand is also supported by our trains representatives in Central Line West branch. We share our branches’ alarm at the deterioration of industrial relations on the Line, including abuses of procedures, safety concerns, and an authoritarian disciplinary regime.

In line with our branches’ request, we instruct the General Secretary to contact London Underground Ltd as a matter of urgency demanding a line meeting, to include all our Central line trains representatives (health & safety and industrial relations).

Tube Review of Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

We instruct the lead officer to arrange a meeting with our representatives who attend the Attendance, Performance and Conduct Joint Working Party (ensuring that all functions are involved), to discuss this and other relevant matters. A report of this meeting is to be placed in front of us.

Reports and developments to be placed in front of us.

RMT Insists TfL Pay Rise Must Be Paid To All

We note that RMT did not endorse the two-year pay deal accepted by the other trade unions.

We further note the inadequacies of this deal, in particular the non-payment of the 0.5% above-RPI element of the 2012 rise to some grades, and the condition attached to the 0.5% above-inflation element of the 2013 rise that the unions must accept a new performance related pay policy.

We further note that Transport for London cancelled a planned meeting to discuss the new PRP policy.

Bring CBS Outdoor Back 'In House'

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd regarding CBS’s sale of its international outdoor advertising business. We continue to pursue our view that all London Underground work should be brought in-house, and instruct the General Secretary to table this for discussion at the next London Underground Briefing Forum. We further instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of us when the name of the new owner of the CBS Outdoor contract is announced.

London Transport Regional Council and Camden 3 branch to be advised.

RMTLondonCalling Newsletter: Every Journey Matters Job Attack Special Edition

In this edition, which focuses on the upcoming jobs cull threatened across LUL:

  • Prepare to defend station jobs
  • The role of station staff
  • A ridiculous attempt to justify cuts
  • Station job cuts are not justified
  • Job cuts will undermine safety
  • We can fight job cuts & we can win
  • LU cuts will hit all grades

RMT To Attend More Pride Events This Year

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Members of our LGBT Advisory Committee will be attending the following events:

Newcastle Pride – 20th July

Tolpuddle – 21st July

Brighton Pride – 3rd August

Sunderland Pride – 1st September

These family events are great fun and everyone is invited to join them to show support.

For any queries or just to say you wish to take part, please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer (j.webb [at]rmt.org.uk).

RMT Raises Concerns Of ORR Being Economic And Safety Regulator Of Rail Industry

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

On giving consideration to a resolution from London Transport Regional Council in which concerns were raised over the ability of the Office of Rail Regulation to carry out its statutory role as an independent safety regulator while at the same time being the economic regulator for the railway. The General Grades Committee have noted and adopted the following report from their Health and Safety Sub-committee: