RMT young members BBQ- Dover

RMT Young Members Social- Dover:

Under 30 years old and want to find out more about the RMT young members, come down with your family meet some of us and have a good time by the seaside.

BBQ Provided-Priory Hotel, Priory Station Approach, CT17 9SB Dover, Kent
Entry fee for each quiz team and £2.50 for arm wrestling participants all proceeds to go to The Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund.
Engraved Medals for quiz winners & a trophy for the arm wrestle champ!

Incorporating The Machinery To Ensure Parity For Delegates’ Release

That we note the resolution from the Black and Ethnic Minorities Advisory Committee on this issue and the General Secretary is to make sure this matter is considered in the review of the LUL machinery regarding time off for trade union activities. The General Secretary to place any developments back in front of the Council of Executives.

Election Of Equality Reps

That the General Secretary is instructed to all employers asking that all of the equality reps are elected and conducted by the RMT. Further the General Secretary to bring forward to the Council of Executives a training syllabus for these positions and make sure we provide enough training required and obtain relevant material from the TUC.

TOCS Promoting LGBT Champions

That the General Secretary is to ask the Regional Organisers;
1) where these positions exist,
2) the role and responsibilities of these ambassadors/champions on LGBT issues within the workplace and in the wider arena,
3) also what conflicts may arise from this with RMT elected reps.

That the name of the file be changed to “Employers Promoting LGBT Champions” and place the matter back in front of the Council of Executives by October 1st 2013.

Support For 'Gay Men Fighting Aids'

That we note the resolution from our LGBT Conference and support the important work of Gay Men Fighting AIDS. We agree to make a donation of £100. Noting that GMFA operates in England and Wales, we instruct the General Secretary to contact Gay Men’s Health in Glasgow asking for information about its work in Scotland. We agree to our Advisory Committee’s request to arrange for a deputation to meet GMFA. Further, we instruct the General Secretary to include an article in RMT News about HIV/AIDS and how it affects people of all sexualities and genders.

Thatcher's Legacy Of Homophobia

That the General Secretary is to obtain an article from a delegate/delegates of the LGBT Committee for the RMT News and ask other RMT LGBT members to put particular quotes together for the RMT News on Thatcher’s deplorable legacy on homophobia.

Read about the recent conference here.