Stop 'Pinkwashing' Employers

That the General Secretary is to write to Stonewall laying out our views that have been raised at the LGBT conference and invite them to address our LGBT Advisory Committee over these concerns.

The motion regarding Pinkwashing is below:

Stop Pinkwashing Employers

Submitted by Central Line East:

“This conference notes that:

1. Every year, Stonewall, the lesbian, gay, and bisexual charity, publishes its top 100 employer in Britain for LGB people, and employers clamber to appear on the list.

New Parental Leave Regulations

That we note this matter originated from the GGC and from a letter from London Underground regarding Parental Leave (EU Directive) Regulations 2013.

The General Secretary is to write to all employers to confirm that they are incorporating the directive into our members’ contracts of employment. We would hope that the progressive employers would pay for our members to have parental leave.

You can read these regulations here

RMT Serves Notice Of Strike Ballot Over Plans To Dump London Train Guards

Rail union RMT today served notice of a strike ballot following the announcement by Transport for London (TfL) of their plans to introduce Driver Only Operation (DOO) on the whole of the London Overground network with the axing of 130 safety-critical guards posts. Ballot papers will be despatched to affected members on 31st July 2013 and the ballot will close on 15th August 2013.

Alstom Workers Accept 3% No Strings 2013 Pay Deal

Further to our decision Gww 9 July 2013, seeking an improvement on the previous offer of 2.75%, we note the new offer from Alstom of 3% effective from 1 April 2013 with no strings attached. We further note the report from the Regional Organiser, that our representative and members wish to accept this offer without delay.

Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to advise the company of our acceptance, and to send a personal letter to all members involved.

LU Fleet branch and London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

RMT Welcomes Reassurances Given Over Closure Of Lillie Bridge Depot

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd dated 17 July 2013. We welcome the assurances given, which are clearer than those given previously. We seek a report from the lead officer before responding to the employer’s question about our ongoing dispute on this matter, and instruct the General Secretary to place this in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

Station Supervisors Are Latest Grade Under Attack From Tube Bosses

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd and the report from our Regional Organiser. We are totally opposed to LUL’s stated intention to reduce night station supervisor cover, and introduce mobile or remote supervision of stations.

We share our RO’s belief that this is an all-out attempt to de-staff and weaken our agreements for all LUL station grades, which we must resist.

RMT Prepares Ballot In Response To Brother Woods Disciplinary

We note the resolution from our Central Line East branch and share its disgust at the disciplinary action taken against Brother Woods.

We instruct the General Secretary to

1. immediately prepare a ballot matrix of members on Central Line East stations group

2. urgently contact London Underground Ltd insisting that it completely exonerate Brother Woods

3. place this matter in front of us on receipt of LUL’s response, or any other update on the disciplinary process, and in any case within 21 days, at which point we will consider conducting a ballot for industrial action.

RMT To Discuss TfL Cut To Long Service Awards

We note the correspondence from Transport for London and the report from our Regional Organiser. These confirm that the long service awards do not keep pace with the cost of living, and that further, the award for 25 years service with TfL has been cut from £350 to £250. Although the company points out that the award for 40 years service increases from £600 to £700, significantly more people reach 25 years service than 40 years, and therefore this is an overall cut.