(Still) The enemy within

In 1984, Margaret Thatcher labelled 160,000 striking miners, their families and supporters, ‘The Enemy Within’. It was to be the longest industrial dispute in British history.

As the strike began, a group of miners emerged that were prepared to fight on the front line of every major battle. They were demonised by the media and despised by the government.

Dubbed ‘Arthur’s Army’, they were to lead a fightback that would not just rock the government but would change British society forever.

Young Members Conference 2014

I am pleased to advise you that we will be holding the 2014 RMT Young Members’ Conference in Edinburgh. The Conference opens with a Reception event for delegates on Thursday 20th February; all delegates are invited to attend. The Conference proper opens at 10.00hrs Friday 21st February and closes at 14.00hrs Saturday 22nd February 2014.

  1. Delegates are invited to arrive on Thursday 20th for a Conference reception meeting in the reception of the Premier Inn at 18.00hrs.
  2. The Conference itself will take place at the Premier Inn in Haymarket, Edinburgh.

20th Anniversary Of Railway Privatisation Disaster

20 years on from the Act privatising Britain’s railways RMT calls for an end to the great rail rip-off
With November 5th marking the twentieth anniversary of the passing of the Railways Act, which condemned lifeline transport services in Britain to a generation of fragmentation and exploitation, rail union RMT has launched a fresh drive to end the privatised rip off which has left passengers paying the highest fares in Europe to travel on overcrowded, unreliable services.

New research from RMT shows that:

November 2013 Edition of London Calling

LU Attacks on All Functions Mount Up
Build United Action to Defend Jobs, Safety & Conditions

Download the newsletter here.

Companies and grades: 

RMT Executive Report To London Transport Regional Council October 2013

These are notes from Council of Executive Member Janine Booth's report to the London Transport Regional Council meeting. The meeting is held on the last Thursday of each month, and members are welcome and encouraged to attend.



- ‘Bargaining for gender equality’ European event
- UN/ITF Day of Action, 25 November
- 7 November = ‘Equal Pay Day’
- Malala Youssafzai

- new TUC guide available on LGBT rights at work
- international LGBT rights

- internal structures review
