RMT’s Charles Watkins’ Memorial Lecture 2014

RMT’s guest speaker to deliver this year’s Charles Watkins’ Memorial Lecture will be Labour historian Francis Devine who will be talking on the 1913 Dublin Lockout. For more background information click here.

This promises to provide an interesting lecture and discussion following on from a series of events that will have taken place commemorating the centenary of the lockout.

This free event will be held at Unity House and refreshments will also be provided.

Huber Ballesteros – Help Needed To Secure His Release From Detention

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Huber Ballesteros is a high-profile Colombian trade union leader. He sits on the Executive Committee of Central Unitaria de Trabajdores de Colombia (CUT is Colombia's largest trade union federation) as well as being Vice President of FENSUAGRO Agricultural Workers' Union.

In an attempt to intimidate him into silence and inactivity, Huber was recently arrested and remains in detention. He must be promptly released, though even when that does occur, he – together with his family and his fellow trade unionists – will remain in danger.

Jubilee South Branch Meeting 30/10/2013


The branch meeting on 30th October will be held in a new location as unfortunately our usual venue has become temporarily unavailable.
The meeting will take place as normal on payday starting 16.00hrs until 18.00hrs at The Old Kings Head, King's Head Yard, 45-49 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NA. This is just a few doors up from the Borough high street exit of London bridge station.

LUL "Seeking A Pretext For Cutting Staff, Regardless Of...Safety" On Jubilee RMT Believe

We note the resolution from our Jubilee South branch. We share its concern at London Underground management’s attempts to impose a less safe procedure for dealing with defective Platform Edge Doors. Once again, the company appears to be seeking a pretext for cutting staff, regardless of the consequences for passenger safety.

Tube Reps Asked To Continue Collecting Signatures For Pension Fund Special Meeting

We note the progress in collecting signatures for the request for Extraordinary General Meetings, and instruct the General Secretary to place this matter back in front of us on 7 November in preparation for submitting the requests. We request representatives to continue collecting signatures in order to maximise the pressure we can apply.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and representatives to be advised.

RMT Calls For Release For Reps To Scrutinise S Stock Upgrade

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd and the report from our Regional Organiser advising his response. We endorse his call for adequate release to be granted to our representatives to enable us to proceed promptly with the important work of scrutinising the implementation of the S stock upgrade.

Reports and developments are to be placed in front of us.