Transport For All Describes Tube Plan To Replace People With Machines As Living In La-la-land

Transport For All; the charity campaigning for a fully accessible, reliable and affordable transport network for disabled and older Londoners has written to the Evening Standard describing the horror that disabled and older passengers will feel over tube bosses plans to cut staff.

Transport For All describe it as living in la-la-land to think cctv and ticket machines is a suitable alternative to station staff for the 43% of wheelchair users who have suffered hate crime on the tube, or the 29% of disabled people who feel unsafe using the underground.

The Letter

Stations & Revenue Functional News November 2013

LU is set to announce cuts in station staffing. RMT will fight to maintain 24/7 Supervisor cover for every station. We will oppose further cuts in Ticket office availablity.

Also: Rainbow seems to be returning to many groups with members called in to account for past sickness. read the latest advice here.

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Bakerloo Branch AGM '13

Bakerloo Branch Annual General Meeting

Monday the 2nd of December.

The AGM will take place at the Red Lion, Kingly Street, London, W1B 5PR (nearest tube Oxford Circus) starting at 1600 and will immediately be followed by a social with our General Secretary Bob Crow due to attend.

Stations & Revenue Functional News November 2013

LU is set to announce cuts in station staffing. RMT will fight to maintain 24/7 Supervisor cover for every station. We will oppose further cuts in Ticket office availablity.

Also: Rainbow seems to be returning to many groups with members called in to account for past sickness. read the latest advice here.

Download the newsletter.

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