Tube Strike Ballot To Run Until January 2014

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

As every LUL member must now be aware London Underground has announced the closure of ALL ticket offices by as early as 2015 and the subsequent loss of 750 jobs. Despite this Government’s and the Mayor of London’s claim they wish more use of public transport they are cutting LU’s budget by £33m for 2013-14, and £45m for 2014-15. And this despite January’s 4.2% increase in fares across the tube, buses and trams.

Every Job Matters

Every Job Matters - Defend London Underground Jobs

Disability Charity Transport For All Protests Against Tube Bosses Massive Job Cut Plan

Transport For All who champion the cause of accessible transport in the capital have held a well attended protest against LUL bosses plans for massive job cuts.

TfA tweeted 'Staff assistance enables us to travel safely!.

With 950 job cuts announced; how can the tube provide a 'world class service' to elderly and disabled people who may need assistance?

The RMT have already clearly sad NO to these cuts and will ballot for industrial action.

Key Points From London Underground Cuts Plan Document

London Underground have circulated a document amongst staff telling them the cuts and changes to jobs that they want to make. These extracts are taken from the document which you can download below.

Bits in italics have been rewritten:

The Proposals
Government has told us that we need to make a bigger contribution to the investment needed to continue to improve our network,

we’re proposing to make some fundamental changes in line with our vision for the Tube.

RMT Calls Immediate Strike Ballot On Day LUL Announces Massive Job Cuts On Tube

We note that this morning, LUL announced:

  • that every ticket office will close by 2015
  • that nearly one thousand jobs on stations will go, with a net loss of 750 jobs
  • that stations will be staffed when trains are running, which suggests that they may not have Supervisors present and may no longer be staffed when trains are not running at night
  • a thoroughgoing restructuring of station staffing, with all job roles changing and staff being re-evaluated for their own jobs

RMT Response To Massive Tube Job Cuts

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“No matter how this is dressed up by Boris Johnson and his officials, today’s announcement is all about slashing £270 million from the annual London transport budget and the proposed cuts will decimate staffing levels and hit the most vulnerable users of tube services the hardest. The mayor must believe he is some sort of magician if he thinks he can slash a thousand jobs and still run safe services when everyone knows that staffing has already been cut to the bone while passenger demand continues to rise.