RMT Says Fingerprinting Cleaning Members Compromises Dignity and Civil Rights

We note the correspondence from Tube Lines Ltd, which clarifies that its contract with ISS requires an ‘improved method of accurate recording’, but does not specify that it must be this biometric method. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to advise ISS that we reject its claim that it is contractually required to introduce this system, and demand that it negotiate with us on using a system that does not compromise our members’ dignity and civil rights.

Further, we instruct the General Secretary to:
1. Organise a protest against ISS’s planned imposition of biometric booking on

RMT Shocked At Increased Redundancy Plan For TfL

We note the report from our Regional Organiser and share his alarm at the increase in the number of projected redundancies and the spread of possible redundancies to clerical grades.

We note that our Regional Organiser has requested feedback from our branch and representatives and instruct the General Secretary to place this in front of us when received.

We also instruct the General Secretary to ensure that our TfL membership details are kept as up-to-date and accurate as possible.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

RMT Calls Tube Bosses Decision Not To Adopt RMT 'Domestic Violence Policy Deplorable

On the day designated by the United National to highlight and oppose violence against women
RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said, ‘Removing a thousand staff from Tube stations and closing all ticket offices will make those who harass or assault women feel more confident to do so, and will make it harder for women who are assaulted to find help. This is one more reason why we are determined to stop these cuts.’

Bakerloo AGM Raffle 2013

RMT Bakerloo Branch Raffle

1st Prize-
A couple of bottles of Georgian wine

2nd Prize-
Super Union RMT Body Warmer

3rd & runner up Prize-
RMT Limited edition T-Shirts

£3 a ticket
4 tickets for £5

Monday 2nd December
16:00 Hours
Red Lion, Kingly Street, London

RMT Says We Can't Wait Until Driverless Trains Are Designed To Fight This Reckless Move

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd dated 29 October 2013.

We note that this letter does not give the assurance we requested that when LUL orders or commissions new train stock, these will include a driver’s cab, and instead states that the company ‘cannot rule anything in or out’.

We further note that the letter:

  • refers to ‘pressure to be more efficient’ and to ‘get the best value for money from everything we get’, indicating that LUL’s decisions on this matter will be driven by a desire to cut spending and save money;