Poster: Don't Let LUL Get Its Way

The poster can be downloaded below

The Decimation of Our Jobs (if we allow LU to get their way)

Fact - Total cuts package by 2021 will be £4.2 billion.
Fact – CSAs, SAMFs, SCRAs & SSs will all be affected.
Fact – We will all need to re-apply for our jobs.
Fact - Station cuts will only save £270 million.
Fact - £270m is just 6% of the total above.
Fact – After station cuts there’s still £3.9 billion to save.
Fact – The remaining 94% will come from your job too.

RMT Protests At Lithuanian Embassy Against Anti Gay Law Proposals

The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) and African LGBT Out and Proud Diamond Group protesting outside the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania - 27th Nov 2013.

The RMT is alarmed by reports of rising hostility towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights in Lithuania, and of attempts to introduce proposals to Parliament that attack the rights of Lithuania’s LGBT citizens.

We strongly oppose the proposals to:

  • ban gender reassignment
  • give legal protection to ‘criticism of homosexuality’ ie. anti-LGBT speech

I currently work as a reserve SCRA. Do I have to reapply for the new role as CSS? Will this also be a reserve or rostered position?

The RMT is balloting for industrial action as we want to stop these devastating cuts and changes.

This LUL 'stations info pack' document says "For Duty Station Managers, Station Control Room Assistants, and Station Assistant Multi-functionals, we propose that you will have the opportunity to apply for a new role" (page 14 of this pdf).

London Underground Document Gives More Detail On Devastating Cuts Plan

The RMT have recieved a new document which reveals more details of London Undergrounds cuts plan. This newly released document, attached below, is a 'Change Assurance Plan' which gives some further insight into what these cuts, if successful, could mean in health & safety terms .

The document is very low on detail of how the proposed changes to station staffing structure will impact on the driver grade. However, section 2.7 claims that there are no changes proposed to train operations.

Samf will not have to be assessed ? Its just station supervisor is that correct?

If we stop these devastating job cut plans nobody will need to be reassessed.

London Underground says that they plan for Station Assistant Multi Functional (ticket office workers) to either be moved into a 'Customer Service Agent' role, or to have the option to apply for 'Customer Service Supervisor.'

TfL Should Demand More Funds & Cut Directors Pay Not Jobs

We believe that rather than cut staff, London Underground and its parent company Transport for London should:

  1. challenge the government's funding cut to TfL, and demand the guaranteed, decent level of public funding that such a crucial transport system requires
  2. maintain or increase the level of station staffing and ticket office opening times; promote its own ticket-selling services rather than those of external outlets
  3. undertake a major programme of making London Underground more accessible to disabled people and to communities that it does not currently serve