Not Everyone Is Facing Cuts!

Transport for London (TfL) says that one reason that it needs to remove nearly 1,000 London Underground station staff is that it has to save money. Perhaps there are other sources of savings ...

TfL pays 328 people more than £100,000 in 2012/13, 33 of them more than £200,000.

High earners include:
Peter Hendy, Commissioner, £652,452
Andrew Wolstenholme, Chief Executive, Crossrail, £567,828
Andy Mitchell, Programme Director, Crossrail, £552,405
Mike Brown, Managing Director, Rail and Underground, £475,651

Jubilee South Branch Walkabout- 12 December @ 1300


The Jubilee South branch is holding a special meeting on Thursday 12 December at 1600 in the Blue Eyed Maid. Before, we are meeting at Westminster Stn to go around the group to discuss the issues. This meeting is specifically to discuss the devastating cuts planned by our bosses. Come along and have your say. This is your opportunity to find out the facts and discuss tactics on how to fight back.
Come and join us to help deliver a huge return on our ballot.

• Jubilee Branch Walkabout- Thursday12th December meet Westminster Stn @ 1300

Comrade! Resist LULs Proposals


Alongside every grade on the tube LU train drivers will shortly be receiving ballot papers for strike action and action short in defence of our jobs on the tube.

LU’s plans to slash staffing on stations will effect every grade in every function and will impact directly on drivers ability to do our job safely and professionally.

Preparing for Industrial Action


We will be better prepared for any dispute if the workforce is already well-informed about the issue(s).

  • Keep noticecases up-to-date.
  • Give leaflets and newsletters to your workmates. Download material from
  • Speak to people at work.
  • Make sure that they feel comfortable to ask questions and give their views.
  • Take concerns seriously; provide answers, even if means going away and finding out.
  • If you can, produce a leaflet or newsletter for staff in your workplace.

Bob Crow Writes To LUL Boss In Response To 'Farcical and Insulting' Assertions

Dear Gerry

Fit for Future – Stations – Consultation

I am in receipt of your letter of 2nd December 2013 and must state at the outset I am amazed and disappointed at the assertions it contains. To suggest that this union is unwilling to discuss issues such as the loss of jobs and closure of all booking offices is farcical and insulting.

My Regional Organiser, John Leach, met with you yesterday and asked a number of questions, answers to which we believe we are legally entitled in order to cost the proposals. For ease of reference these were as follows:-

RMT In Europe-Wide Fight to Close the Gender Pay Gap

This report was adopted by the RMT Council of Executives at its December Statutory meeting:

I attended this conference as a member of the ETF Women's Committee, and was the only UK trade unionist present as a delegate. This was the final conference of the 'Bargaining For Equality' project, which we had not, to my knowledge, been aware of until now. The Project sought to address inequality in men's and women's wages, and to identify collective bargaining strategies that would tackle these inequalities.