DLR Strike Ballot On

RMT confirms strike ballot on Docklands Light Railway over total breakdown of industrial relations

Transport union RMT confirmed today that it set to begin balloting members on the SERCO Docklands Light Railway for both strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over a wide range of issues which amount to a to notal breakdown in industrial relations between the union and the employer.

The issues at the heart of the dispute include:

· Stalling on talks over the 2014 pay award
· Abuse of the disciplinary and attendance procedures

LUL back down in voluntary severence row with the RMT

LUL has now agreed with the RMT that voluntary severance should not be available for staff until after the consultation process has been concluded
They have sent a letter to us that states it will not be currently possible for affected staff to express an interest in or apply for voluntary severance
This follows RMT demands that LUL cannot implement a policy before it has finished consulting on it.
This follows a series of meetings that the RMT have attended with LUL - who incidentally have been telling staff on their intranet site that we had refused to attend.

Every job matters - Jubilee South & Morden&Oval branches - special joint meeting 19 Dec -1600


Jubilee South and Morden & Oval branches have organised a joint rally to fight back against the proposed job cuts and attacks on our terms and conditions

The rally will be held at The Blue Eyed maid, Borough High St, nearest station London Bridge

Please print and display the attached flyer at your workplace

Make sure you have returned your ballot paper, if you haven`t voted yet make sure you do