Hands Off London Transport - Public Rally

Public rally to stop cuts to London Underground.

18.30, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RL (nearest Tube Holborn)

Launch of the Hands off London Transport public campaign.

Workers and passengers unite for an affordable, accessible, safe public transport system in London.

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary
Caroline Lucas MP (invited)
John McDonnell MP (invited)
Speakers from Disabled People Against Cuts, National Pensioners Convention (invited) and many campaign supporters.

RMT members meeting Jan 10 1600 at Conway Hall Red Lion Sq.

RMT Members meeting 10 Jan 1600


Every job matters – Ballot result

10th January 2014 -1600 Hrs. Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Sq. WC1
All members welcome
Come and hear the ballot result
It’s your Union- make sure you have your say!

Please download and display, distribute at your workplace

Keep up to date with the campaign at;


EJM campaign materials

Advice to passengers using the future London Underground;

Please ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with London Underground’s 11 lines and 270 stations before travelling.
Please ensure that you have a smartcard and a bank card, and that both are loaded with plenty of money and topped up regularly.
Please ensure that the ticket machines are always working,and that the gates always deduct the correct amount from your card.
Please ensure that there are no delays to your journey, or any accidents, emergencies, incidents or

Bob Crow Warns Of Attack On Workers In 2014

RMT general secretary Bob Crow warns of hard year of campaigning and action ahead in New Year message.

"No one should be under any illusions. 2014 will be a tough year for Britain's workers as the Government ratchets up its attacks on workers rights and public services. Cuts are set to escalate and only militant and coordinated action across workplaces and communities can stop the bulldozer of austerity

RMT Response To Tube Fares

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said.

“Just as the private train companies are closing down services due to adverse weather they are publishing fare increases which massively outstrip wages and which will once again hit low to medium earners where it hurts. The great private rail rip off continues.

Piccadilly Dispute Off As Basis For Settlement Reached

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd. We further note the report from our Regional Organiser and the view of our representatives that this is the basis of a settlement of our dispute.

We therefore will not take strike action under the current mandate. We remain vigilant on all the issues that formed part of this dispute, and note that a follow-up meeting will be held.