RMT Calls For "Constant Vigilance" On Safety 25 Years After Clapham Rail Disaster

Thursday 12 December 2013 will mark 25 years since the Clapham Junction Rail Crash that left 35 people dead and hundreds injured.
The accident happened when the crowded 06:14 train from Poole to London Waterloo crashed into the back of the stationary 07:18 Basingstoke service, which had stopped at a red signal. A third train, travelling empty in the opposite direction, hit the wreckage only minutes later.

Trains Managers Asked To Work As 'Incident Station Supervisors' With 4 Days Training

RMT Regional Organiser John Leach has written to London Underground Human Resources Boss Gerry Duffy in response to a trains operations staff manager asking subordinate managers whether they would be willing to work as 'Incident Station Supervisors' with just a 4 day training course. In Leach's letter to Duffy he explains that he is "extremely concerned with the Health & Safety implications" of this proposal as there is a "rigorous training programme for Station Supervisors."

The request for volunteers asked:

Latest Document Reveals LUL Plan For All Station Staff To Work In Multiple Locations

The RMT have received a document which shows that London Underground bosses plan for all station staff to work across all stations in their area while for 1/3 or 1/4 weeks we will all work as “cover”. Cover will be arranged over several groups meaning some staff could work in a number of stations with longer travelling time to and from work.

The briefing also gives some details about assessments for CSM and CSS roles. It looks as though the assessments will rely on subjective assessments of the suitability of each member.