Every Job Matters: Facebook Campaign

Follow us on Facebook for the latest information on the Every Job Matters. With nearly 4000 people 'Liking' the page' and thousands more seeing the articles and materials we are posting, it is a succesful way for us to get our story to the public.


if you are reading this on a London Underground PC much of the post below will be blank as LUL blocks Facebook

20th November and a few hundred people have 'liked' the Page:

Myth buster No. 1- Pay cut off dates

The first casualty of any dispute is often the truth
Have a look at the attached diary image taken straight from a LUL computer that states quite clearly when the cut -off dates are
A cut-off date is exactly that. For a reason
If LUL do not pay you correctly following any industrial action you may have taken, it will because they deliberated decided to change the way we get paid
Don’t be fooled by the naysayers and doom mongers
Solidarity wins
Red = Pay day
Blue =cut-off date

Houses of Parliament Debate On Tube Job Cuts Plan

John McDonnell MP has led the "Future Government funding for Transport for London and station staffing levels" debate at Westminster Hall. Several MPs spoke in the debate in support of a properly staffed tube network.

John McDonnell leads RMT's Parliamentary group of Labour MPs, which has a track record of fighting for RMT members and the wider trade union movement, putting down early day motions, lobbying and hosting meetings and a number of other important activities.