Support Teachers' Strikes in National Autistic Society Schools!

NASUWT and teachers are taking industrial action in National Autistic Society schools. You can read more about it here.

I have sent the following message of support to the NASUWT, and a similar one to the NUT. If you would like to send one too, please email Victor Aguera.


I am writing to offer my full support to the NASUWT's industrial action in National Autistic Society schools.

Report: Bank group level one meeting, 28 January 2014

Yesterday (28 January), there was a Level One meeting for Bank group, attended by me (RMT rep), the TSSA rep and the GSM. Official minutes will appear in due course. Issues discussed, and outcomes, included the following:

It was noted that staff were not give adequate notice of the new roster at St. Paul’s and Chancery Lane at the end of last year. You are entitled to 14 days notice of any change to the roster, and management committed that this will happen in future.

Keep the faith - OT ban is working

Mad dogs and GSMs -don’t work Sundays

The OT ban is having a big impact on stations across the combine. LUL are struggling to keep stations open and are running at minimum numbers almost all day, every day
The effort our members are putting in is hugely appreciated and causing managers big headaches.
Local managers,under pressure from on high,are trying to interpret the framework agreement in a way that they say we have to move our shift, rest days or start finish times to help them out
The irony of their request for our goodwill assistance is lost on them.

Pay For Performance – Defend Your Pensionable Pay – Transport For London


Further to my previous correspondence, I would again like to congratulate you for supporting your union’s call for strike action and action short of a strike in defence of your pension. Your Executive has carefully considered the strong wish of you and your colleagues to carry out industrial action in order to oppose these plans and those expressed by your representatives to fight TfL’s plans. I can now advise you that your General Grades Committee has decided to amend some of the industrial action.

Service Control Strike Newsletter

Please print and distribute the guide attached

Dear RMT Service Control Comrades,

We have put together a guide for staff during the up and coming strike specifically for Service Control Staff.

A reminder that the times and instructions have changed to not to book on for any duty after 21.00 on Tuesday 4th February.


In other news a successful vote was reached to take the first steps towards creating a Service Control branch, more news on this and other
Service Control matters will be in the newsletter next week.

Docklands Light Railway Strike Off

The RMT General Grades Committee has agreed to accept pay offers from Serco Docklands AND Carlisle. As a result all strikes are called off.

We congratulate all members for their resolve in their campaign for a decent pay settlement on Serco, for the London Living Wage on Carlisle and the commitments forced from the company on the other matters involved in this dispute.

New RMT London Calling- the newsletter of the LTRC

REVISED EDITION OF RMTLONDON CALLING- the newsletter of the Regional Council
Read all about;

• Fit for Future Trains meeting proves that Cuts will Hit Every Grade

• Yes! The Two 48hr Strikes ARE in different Pay Periods

• Revised instructions for Strike Action

All London Underground members are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-
21:00 hours on Tuesday 4th February 2014 until 20:59 hours on Thursday 6th February 2014.
21:00 hours on Tuesday 11h February 2014 until 20:59 hours on Thursday 13h February 2014.