Duplicitous consultation

The strikes were suspended earlier this week as a result of discussion and agreement at ACAS
The details are pretty much well known and will involve the Trade Unions sitting down with LUL and openly and honestly assessing the impact of ticket office closures, amongst other things, at every station across the combine
Rhetoric from LUL CEO and the mayor in the last 2 days show how little these people think of meaningful consultation
Brown states any ticket offices remaining open would be the exception rather than the rule

WEA Course: International Women's Day

Celebrate ‘A History of Action by Women Workers.’ International Women’s Day was born out of the struggle of women in the New York City garment industry at the turn of the century and in Russia in February 1917 where their protests turned revolutionary.

The course will outline these developments at the beginning of the 20th century and consider their relevance today.

Speaker - Liz Leicester

Fit for the Fightback: Trains - Issue 5

The fifth issue of 'Fit for the Fightback: Trains' is now available. In this issue is an article explaining what our recent success means and a warning that it is only a short term success forcing LUL to begin talking with us properly. There is also an article on RMT activist Mark Harding, who was arrested on the picket line last week.

This is the fifth of our special trains 'Every Job Matters' dispute newsletters produced in the past month, aimed at keeping drivers up to date with the latest dispute news.

All Tube Industrial Action Suspended As Tube Bosses Pause Job Cuts Implementation

Following further talks at ACAS, your Executive Committee considered a proposal from London Underground to resolve our dispute. Having considered this proposal, your Union has suspended all industrial action including the strike that was due to commence from this evening. Therefore you are instructed to work normally.

I can advise you that the full details of the deal reached at ACAS and subsequently confirmed by formal correspondence from LUL is as follows:

ASLEF Branch Motions Supports RMT Activist Mark Harding

ASLEF Longsight Branch have called on their union to support RMT activist Mark harding who was arrested on a picket line during our 'Every Job Matters' industrial action. The motion passed by Longsight branch was backed unanimously.

The motion
Emergency Branch Res Feb 2014 Longsight Branch

Mike Harding, branch secretary of the Hammersmith and city RMT, is being victimised for carrying out his legitimate trade union activities