Industrial Action Suspended But Our Fight To Save Jobs Continues

From RMT London Transport Region, Regional organiser John Leach

Dear Colleagues

You have nobody to thank but yourselves for what RMT and TSSA has achieved this week. Full details of the details of the deal hammered out at ACAS over Monday and Tuesday are given later in this bulletin. All I’ll say for now is that this is what we were asking for all along.

RMT Prepares For Seven Weeks Of Talks On Every Job Matters Dispute

Dear RMT member,

Following the suspension of the strike action, I and RMT representatives have attended two meetings with LUL management this week. These discussed arrangements for the seven weeks of discussions that we agreed.

I have made it clear that the union is still in dispute over the Fit For The Future - Stations plans and all threats to jobs. RMT is explicitly campaigning against and will resist the cuts that drive these attacks.

There are two meetings of the Joint Working Party (JWP) next Tuesday and Thursday. We will report back after these meetings.

In solidarity