ISS Tube Members Meeting Called Ahead Of Strike Ballot

Ahead of this ballot, we have organised a meeting of members to discuss this dispute and you are all invited to attend to have your say on this important issue.



Thursday 6th March 2014 at 2.30pm
Thompsons Conference Suite
TUC Congress House, Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3LS

In attendance, RMT Executive member and Assistant General Secretary

Please check in at TUC Reception where you will be directed to the 6th floor meeting room

RMT Ballots Cleaner Members Over Fingerprinting

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I wrote to you last week concerning our dispute with ISS over their planned introduction of Fingerprinting technology to book on for duty. We see this technology as an invasion of your civil liberties and a threat to your jobs. It now appears that management are planning to impose this new Biometric fingerprinting process from early March 2014 so your union’s executive has considered this matter further and decided to call a ballot of all members for strike action. Preparations are under way to hold this ballot in the near future.

TfL Members To Cease Training Of Agency Workers

Further to my previous correspondence, I would like to congratulate you for supporting your union and taking industrial action, in defence of your pension. This attack on your pension is clearly intolerable and represents the future strategy of TfL management and is a threat to all members in the pension fund regardless of company or grade.

In order to put pressure on the company your Executive committee after consulting with your representatives has decided to call the following industrial action:-

RMT Credit Union - Find Out More

The RMT Credit Union Limited operates as a democratically run, member-owned and -controlled financial services co-operative. It aims to provide quality Credit Union services at affordable rates to its membership, drawn from members of the RMT Trade Union.

In an industries which include many workers of low wage-earning potential, the RMT Credit Union provides a convenient method of saving and allows access to affordable credit to many people who have few other competitively priced choices.

Advice For Drivers As ANP Is Removed

Despite agreements reached with London Underground and your union just over a year ago at Directors level regarding the implementation of Auto Not Permitted (ANP) while P-Way staff or trespassers were on the track, LU have decided to remove this facility without meaningful consultation with your union and without the participation of local safety representatives in the workplace risk assessments around this.