2014 Bakerloo Branch Meetings

2014 RMT Bakerloo Branch Meetings

7th April
5th May
2nd June
7th July
4th August
1st September
6th October
3rd November
1st December- AGM

Upstairs in the Red Lion.
Kingly Street, W1B 5PR (Oxford Circus)
First Monday of the month.
16:00-18:00 Hours

Regional Update For Early March 2014

Latest on campaigns around the region, please take the time to look at the links, download material, print & distribute as necessary. Keep checking back for updates and new material.

Latest rmtlondoncalling newsletter; http://www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/node/4919

Latest on talks with LUL; http://www.rmt.org.uk/news/every-job-matters--defending-jobs-on-london-u...

HOLT campaign - http://handsofflondontransport.wordpress.com/

Londoncalling webpage - http://www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/every-job-matters

Committees , grades mtgs and recruitment


From Bob Crow, General Secretary

Further to my last letter, it has been brought to my attention that ISS has displayed posters at some workplace locations, demonstrating how to use the new Biometric Fingerprinting Machines for booking on for duty. This situation is unacceptable to your union and I am writing to reassure members that you have our full support.

March RMTlondoncalling newsletter

The latest edition of rmtlondoncalling is attached
Please download and distribute around your workplace

Johnson steps up the ante - Piccadilly line to be "driver free" by 2016

Ticket offices actually account for 20% of tickets sold, not 3% as Cameron and LUL want us to believe

Tubelines staff at Northfields DT to be balloted

Cleaners to ballot over fingerprinting issue

Report from APC (Attendance, Performance & Conduct Company Council Sub-Committee)

I attended the first meeting of the newly-convened APC Forum last week and whilst awaiting the draft minutes to be sent out from the meeting, just wanted to give our members and reps a preliminary report on what was discussed at this meeting and the current RMT position on a number of important issues. Our newly-appointed delegation consisted of me representing Stations, Dean O' Hanlon representing Trains, and Neil Atkinson representing Engineering Grades.

RMT Backs Calls For Full Inquiry Into Miners' Strike And Justice For Mining Communities

Transport union RMT today threw its full support behind calls from Ian Lavery MP for an open and public inquiry into the state involvement in the miners strike 30 years ago which fitted up and framed individual mineworkers and their supporters in a top level campaign to break entire working class communities.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said,

Tube Lines Depot Staff To Be Balloted For Strike Action Over Abuse Of Procedures

Tube Lines depot staff to be balloted for strike action over abuse of procedures

Tube union RMT confirmed today that it will begin balloting Tube Lines members at Northfields Depot for both strike action and action short of a strike later this week in a dispute over the wholesale abuse of agreements and procedures.

Among the catalogue of complaints tabled by the union are;

  • abuse of the agreed Sickness and Attendance Agreements and Procedures
  • denying members the right to access the grievance procedure
  • withholding members’ sick pay