London Transport Region Plans For Bob Crow Funeral


The funeral arrangements for our General Secretary Bob Crow were announced yesterday. The London Transport Regional Council invites you to honour and pay your respects to our friend, comrade and leader as he is laid to rest on Monday 24th of March.

We are meeting at 11:00 hours at the Kindertransport memorial outside Liverpool Street Station at 11:00 hours and we will be making our way to Manor Park station which is near the East London Crematorium and Cemetery. We aim to be there by 12 o’clock.

Report: European Parliament Public Hearing on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality

On Wednesday 18 March, the ETF Women’s Committee attended a public hearing on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality, held by the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. Click this link for event information, including some of the speakers' presentations. The afternoon was divided into two sessions, each addressed by a panel of speakers followed by a question-and-answer session.

Bob Crow Funeral Arrangements & Commemoration

Following the devastating news of the death of RMT General Secretary Bob Crow on Tuesday 11th March the union is able to confirm arrangements for both Bob’s funeral and the commemoration of his life and work on Monday 24th March.

Bob Crow’s family have asked all media to respect the fact that Bob’s funeral service itself will be a private affair. Any invasion of that privacy will be taken up by the union through the press and broadcasting regulatory and complaints bodies.

Members Feedback Wanted On Equalities Impact of Tube Job Cut Plan

A group of union reps are examining the impact of London Underground Ltd’s proposals for Fit for the Future – Stations on equality groups including women members, black and ethnic minority members, lesbian/gay/bi/trans members, disabled members, older members (55+) and younger members (under 30).

We would like to hear from members about any concerns and opinions you have about the way you think the proposals will impact on you and your workmates.

For example you could send us: