TfL Pension Fund Extraordinary Meeting

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Members of the Fund will be held at 14:00 on Friday 25 April 2014. This is called under the provisions of Rule 52(2) of the Fund Trust Deed and Rules which provides that an EGM will be held if more than 200 Members of the Fund sign a requisition to that effect.
The following two requisitions were signed by the required number of Members.

Requisition 1

Be Prepared To Strike

Dear RMT reps/activists

Please see attached some new flyers for distribution to London Underground members. The purpose of these is to ensure that members know that we will probably need to strike again and that they are ready for this; that non-members are encouraged to join and be part of the fight; and to step up pressure on LUL management.

Printed copies will be available at the Regional Council Executive meeting next Tuesday and after that from Unity House.

RMT General Secretary Election Timetable

Dear Colleague,

Term of office: 5 years

Please be advised that nominations will shortly be invited for the position of General Secretary. The circular inviting nominations and the nomination form will be enclosed within an ORANGE FREEPOST ENVELOPE in next week’s Branch mail. The ORANGE envelope should be used to return the completed nomination paper.

A timetable is listed below for your reference:

Open nominations Thursday 10th April 2014

May Day - March For Bob

Dear Colleague

March for Bob

National RMT Mobilisation for May Day, London, Thursday 1st May 2014

I can advise you that following discussions with the May Day Organsing Committee it has been confirmed that the RMT will lead the May Day March on 1st May.

The event will be used to honour Bob’s memory and another giant of the Labour Movement, Tony Benn, who some of you may recall was a honorary member of the RMT.

The March will be led by the RMT Brass Band and followed by RMT banners.

RMT Begins Process To Elect General Secretary

Dear colleagues



Consequent upon the sad and untimely death of General Secretary, Bob Crow, it was necessary for the Council of Executives to appoint an Acting General Secretary.

Following a meeting of the Full Council of Executives on 27th March 2014, the following decision was reached:

“That arising from the unfortunate death of Bro. R. Crow our General Secretary, this Council of Executives appoints Bro. M. Cash as Acting General Secretary until the appointment of a new General Secretary.

RMT Ballot Heathrow Express For Strike Over Job Cuts

RMT to ballot for action on pay, jobs, cuts and Driver Only Operation on Heathrow Express
RAIL UNION RMT today announced that it is to begin balloting staff this week across Heathrow Express for industrial action in response to a package of multi-million pound cuts which amount to an all-out assault on pay, jobs and safety. Ballot papers will be sent out tomorrow and the ballot – for both strike action and action short of a strike - will close on 15th April.

Every Job Matters Talks - Equalities Report & RMT Solutions To Concerns

A group of union reps are examining the impact of London Underground Ltd’s proposals for Fit for the Future – Stations on equality groups including women members, black and ethnic minority members, lesbian/gay/bi/trans members, disabled members, older members (55+) and younger members (under 30).