Thumbs Down To Fingerprinting Cleaners

Dear Colleagues,


I write to remind you that we remain in dispute with ISS over the planned introduction of Biometric Fingerprinting Machines for booking on for duty. We are totally opposed to this technology which we believe is a breach of civil liberties and a threat to your jobs. Members on the LUL contract voted ‘Yes’ in a ballot for industrial action and were instructed by the union not to use the new technology until further notice and to use the established booking on method. This action is still in place.

The strikes are coming

Newsletter produced by Engineering branch
Please download, print and distribute around your workplace

The Coming Strikes: Why Support Them?
Q: Why Support the Strikes or be in RMT?
A: The RMT or any union is only as strong as its members!
The RMT is a strong union. With YOU we will be Stronger. Without YOU we will be weaker!
Right now LU are attacking Station Staff. They have also announced job cuts on the Lines for Signal & Track Staff with more to come

Latest edition of RMT londoncalling

Update on the dispute;

Talks have brought:

NO station-by-station review, as promised

NO reduction in the number of jobs to be cut

revelations of even greater inequality and worsening conditions

only minor changes to LUL’s plans

LUL rejecting RMT’s alternative proposals

please download, print and distribute around your work place

RMT Platform Newsletter April 2014

Talks reveal cuts will affect all station staff. LU remains determined to cut 953 jobs and won’t guarantee to protect wages. It’s time to strike again!

In this edition:

  • Why we need to keep fighting.....
  • Q&A
  • Everyone stands to lose: lowest grades could lose most
  • Reasonable adjustments?

Tube Job Cut Plans Will Hit Every Equalities Group

Fit For the Future – Stations will hit every stations worker with pay cuts, displacements, reduced work-life balance, etc. But its proposals will affect women, black and ethnic minority, LGBT, older, younger and disabled people in specific ways.

LU is obliged by law to assess what the impact on equalities groups will be. But LU has carried out a shabby and inadequate assessment. RMT and other unions’ reps have met LU about these issues in the last few weeks; management has revealed that it does not treat its obligation towards equalities groups seriously.