RMT London Calling Newsletter May 2014 - strikes suspended

Here is the latest edition of rmtlondoncalling
Please download, print, display and distribute around your workplace

-solid strikes deliver wins tangible advances

-Lifetime commitment for no loss of pay

-Supervisor on every station

-Proper station by station review

- No implementation of fit for the future stations until reviews have been discussed with us

Further Dispute Gains Sees Tube Strike Suspended

Dear Colleagues,



I wrote to you on Friday advising you that your negotiators believed that some progress had been made, but the company at the last minute decided to impose pre-conditions, including RMT calling off strike action and totally withdrawing from the current dispute, this would have meant a new ballot being required for any further industrial action.

Think You Can't Afford To Strike?

  • The two sets of strike action fall in two different pay periods.
  • The CSS bonus is due to be paid in one of these two.
  • Your branch may be able to help if you are suffering hardship: speak to your rep or branch secretary.
  • RMT’s Executive is discussing making more money available for striking members.

In any case, think what you stand to lose if TfL/LUL imposes these cuts - 20% pay cut? Frozen pension? No job?!

ACAS Talks - The Truth

Report on talks at ACAS, 2 May 2014, about Every Job Matters dispute with London Underground Ltd from John Leach, RMT Regional Organiser

So, what really happened?

At 10:00 hours yesterday morning, I as Regional Organiser and eleven other lead reps from all grades attended talks at ACAS to see if we could find a way forward in this dispute.

Piccadilly Depot News - Strike Special

Piccadilly News is the newsletter for drivers at Arnos Grove, Acton Town and Northfileds.

In this edition:

  • Rock solid again
  • Arnos Grove depot - best supported strike at Arnos Grove ever
  • Acton Town and Northfields - There was a tremendous show of support from all but a few
  • Once again, RMT station staff responded magnificently tothe strike call
  • Attack on pensions

Violence Against Women: issues in the local elections

The End Violence Against Women coalition is highlighting the following facts and issues in the forthcoming local elections:

  • Domestic and sexual violence in numbers: In 2012 around 1.2 million women suffered domestic abuse, over 400,000 women were sexually assaulted, 70,000 women were raped, thousands were stalked (Home Office)

Bosses Attempt To Interfere In RMT Internal Democracy Reprehensible

This General Grades Committee notes the report from our Lead Officer and are extremely dismayed that London Underground has failed to make any significant offer at ACAS that would be acceptable to this union and our members. Not only that, but LU’s last minute conditional demand that we withdraw our dispute over this is completely inappropriate and not how this union does business. It is also a reprehensible attempt to interfere with the internal democracy of this union. As a consequence our strike action scheduled for next week remains on.