Support Mark Harding

Defend Mark Harding, drop the charges now, defend the right to picket.
With the strike action on the Tube on hold, it is important not to lose momentum in the campaign to defend Mark. He has been charged under Section 241 of the Trade and Labour Relations Act and could face a prison sentence. Mark was dragged off the picket line at Hammersmith by the police after a strikebreaking staff member got upset at being asked to respect the picket line.
His trial is Friday 23rd May, at City of London Magistrates Court, 1 Queen Victoria Street, EC4N 4XY (nearest Tube Bank/Monument)

TFL Strike On As 'Pay for Performance' Threatens Wages & Pensions

Further to my recent circulars our TfL members, in coordination with our TSSA and Unite colleagues will be taking 24 hours of strike action from this Friday morning in a dispute over the all-out attack on pay and pensions.

Members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 0600 hours Friday 9th May 2014 and 0559 hours Saturday 10th May 2014.

Fleet Industrial Action ballot Follows Mistreatment of Brother McKoy

A resolution was received from our LU Fleet Branch to advise how their members are appalled at the treatment of Brother Ainsley McKoy by COO Operations management. This follows a COO Manager instigating disciplinary action against a Fleet member outside their sphere of influence, without any involvement by COO Fleet Management in the process. We believe this has serious implications across the whole of fleet and our Call Point Train Maintainers where any manager can discipline one of our members and bypass the whole COO Fleet process. This sets a very dangerous precedent.

North Fields Depot Dispute Reaches Agreement

A ballot for strike action and industrial action short of a strike was held of our Tube Lines members at Northfield Depot over a Breakdown in industrial relations. This dispute related to reports we had received that management had been riding roughshod over agreements relating to the Sickness and Attendance Procedures. They had also withheld sickpay, denied the right to raise a grievance as well as the right to trade union representation.

RMT Lays Out Future Of Every Job Matters Dispute

  • LU crumbled and acceded to critical demands placed on them by this union
  • Union’s position remains the same: no job cuts, no ticket office closures and no to austerity on London’s Underground.
  • Union is particularly concerned on the statements made by LU Directors that they will be coming for our member’s pensions.
  • Strike pay to be discussed

GGC Decision