TfL Pension Fund Under Threat

TfL management are proposing to make £4.2 billion of cuts across LUL – £600 million ofthese savings could be made by slashing your pension rights. Management want you to pay more for less.

  • They want to increase pension contributions which means less take home pay
  • They want to reduce your benefits which means you will have to work longer for lessbenefits
  • They want to close the fund to new entrants – which means the whole fund and thecherished final salary pension will be under threat

Mayor`s debate on the state of London - Let him have our views on 953 jobs and ticket office closures

Boris Johnson has asked for Londoners their views on the state of London - lets get down there and give him them !
Its an all ticket affair, all you have to do is register for free tickets
Its vitally important the RMT tell Johnson our views

Disabled Access to Public Transport: TUC Disabled Workers' Conference Speech

This is the speech I gave to TUC Disabled Workers' Conference on 28 May.

Many of you will have your own experiences of both the freedom provided by public transport and the difficulty using it – be that the railway, buses, shipping, air travel, trams, riverboats, taxis, or other modes of transport.

Let’s look at some statistics and facts – mainly about the railways.

In a 2013 survey of disabled people, nearly 80% used the railways, half of them at least monthly, often weekly or more.

Listen To London - Public Consultation On Tube Future

Listen to London - the future of London Underground

Conference, Saturday 26 July, 10am - 2pm
TUC, Congress House, London

TUBE UNION RMT has called a major conference in July to fill the void left by the Mayor of London and Transport for London over a genuine and meaningful consultation with service users and providers on the future of London Underground against a background of austerity cuts and surging public demand.