Labour’s Refusal To Back Public Ownership Of Railways Could Cost It Election

Polling for RMT throws down challenge to Labour over public ownership of rail in key battleground seats
An independent poll of voters in key marginal commuter seats on behalf of rail union RMT has revealed that Labour’s continued refusal to back public ownership of the railways could cost it victory in next year’s General Election.

On behalf of the RMT, between 17th-19th June Survation polled 1011 constituents by telephone in 4 key marginal Conservative/Labour “battleground” seats essential for Labour to win in the pursuit of an overall 2015 majority.

RMT at London Pride 2014 - Join Us


Our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Committee are taking part in the annual Pride march in London on Saturday 28 June. An invitation is extended to all RMT members, friends and family, whatever sexuality, to join them and show solidarity for LGBT rights across the world.

The plan is to meet at Unity House, Charlton Street between 10.45-11.15am to collect banners, whistles etc and/or go on to join in with the TUC section of the parade assembling at 12.30-1pm (nearest tube Baker Street). The march commences at 1pm.

RMT Reveals Fares Set For Further Hikes Whilst Hundreds Of Jobs Threatened On Tube

New research published today by the biggest Tube union RMT has revealed that by the end of the decade Tube fares will be expected to rise by over a third faster than earnings - demolishing the Mayor's case for the cash-led axing of safety critical jobs and the closure of ticket offices.

The research also showed that the real terms increase in Tube fares of 24%, means that for example the cost a Zone 1 – 4 annual Travel card will rise to £2238.

Employment Tribunal Rules Sodexo Unfairly Sacked Brother Mihaj


Employment Tribunal Victory – Ruling that Petrit Mihaj was automatically unfairly dismissed for his Trade Union activities

The Employment Tribunal Case for Petrit Mihaj v. Sodexo was heard last week and the Union was successful as the judge ruled that Brother Mihaj had been automatically unfairly dismissed by Sodexo due to his trade union activities.

Latest edition of londoncalling - LUL renege on their commitment for salary guarantee

LU’s plans to trigger mass displacement of CSAs, SAMFs, SCRAs and Supervisors have been confirmed in talks about Fit for the Future..
We have been pushing the company to explain how widespread displacements will be avoided and to explain how the guarantee of being offered a role with no loss of pay can work with the new staffing model that LU is proposing.
Now we have an answer. In order for SSMFs, SAMFs and SCRAs to keep their substantive salary they will have to pass an assessment to prove they are competent for the new grade (CSS2 or CSS1).

Sodexho Canteen Staff Balloted Over Victimisation

London Underground Sodexo staff balloted in union victimisation dispute

Staff working for London Underground caterers Sodexo are to be balloted for both strike action and action short of a strike over the victimisation and dismissal of union activist Petrit Mihaj.

Petrit has been a major force in building union organisation on the LUL Sodexo depot catering contract and has been instrumental in securing union recognition and delivering improvements in pay and conditions and effective representation of staff.

RMT cleaners say no to fingerprinting !

RMT cleaners on ISS refuse to book on using biometric machines.
Please download and print the attached newsletter and proforma to support our cleaners
Station staff: support the cleaners’ action!
RMT has been involved in a long-running dispute over the use of fingerprinting for booking on which the union believes is a fundamental attack on civil liberties and designed to completely dehumanise the
workplace while threatening jobs through automation in the drive for increased profits.

ISS Cleaners Refuse Biometric Booking On

I write to remind you that we remain in dispute with ISS over the planned introduction of Biometric Fingerprinting Machines for booking on for duty. We are totally opposed to this technology which we believe is a breach of civil liberties and a threat to your jobs. Members on the LUL contract voted ‘Yes’ in a ballot for industrial action and were instructed by the union not to use the new technology until further notice and to use the established booking on method. This action is still in place and you remain protected by the ballot in taking this action.